Physics III

Measurement & Modern Physics

and Thermodynamics

PHYS 207


Course description

Laboratory Engagement: CNS room E009
Wed. or Thurs. 7-9PM

BEYOND-Lab Experiences, CNS room E009
MWF 1:00-1:50PM

Gabe Spalding
Office: CNS, room C006B

Course discussion page

Find Four Cool, Cutting-Edge Projects Per Week:

At this level, you are encouraged to regularly peruse the resources linked above, to gain exposure to cutting-edge projects that might catch your fancy, so that we might enter into conversation about ways of extending our work together and, for those where you explore the cited professional articles, to become familiar with the style of presentation found in professional work. The expectation that you will identify four cool projects per week is a required part of this course.

We are expecting you to make a "transition" from our comparatively structured first-year instructional labs (which did always contain clear opportunities for initiative and insight) into more significantly open-ended opportunities calling upon you to develop habits of writing, primarily in a lab notebook, that better position you to follow through in areas that spark your interests. The goal here is momentum transfer: to give students the sorts of experiences that will propel them to take ownership of their work, and to begin to see themselves as active participants in a shared conversation, willing to revisit issues through multiple iterations, and interested in pursuing every form of analysis possible for each project. Please accept this as our challenge to you!

Lest you feel intimidated at the thought of moving beyond the structured procedurals provided in earlier coursework, please note that you will not be graded on the basis of "accomplishment" in the sense that you might be accustomed to; that is, you need not get a value for, say, Planck's constant that is within 1% of the accepted value. Instead, you are graded on the basis of whether or not your lab notebook contains regular, substantive entries with clear evidence of thought and thorough analysis. In this way, it is possible for you to perform very well even in an experimental effort that is not, itself, fully successful.

Your lab notebooks are graded periodically and should be ready for inspection on Saturday mornings, by 10:30 am. If you forget to update/sync your notebook by that time, there would be a strong penalty associated with that.

Again, in grading your notebooks, we are looking for evidence of thought, analysis, reconsideration, and revision.

Habits of Work:

Instruction in Measurement, Experimental Design, and Instrumentation:

In many of these experiments, you are dealing with extremely small "signals" which would not be directly measurable; therefore, clever techniques are needed in order to amplify the effects of "small perturbations." Here, we take the opportunity to discuss the concept of amplification (and amplifier design principles) quite generally. We will also begin our semester-long discussion of a number of generic issues that arise in measurement, emphasizing ways in which careful consideration of technique and uncertainty will enhance your experience.

We first ask,"How small a signal can you measure?" Next, we ask, "How fast?" Eventually, we ask questions such as, "How precisely can you POSITION something?" In each instance, after asking the question about what LIMITS your work, we ask you to demonstrate, in the lab, the degree to which you can approach those limits. It's pretty cool, really, to so quickly "level up" your capabilities!

Hopefully, you will emerge excited about some of the ideas and techniques encountered in the course. The physics faculty are always interested in supporting interdisciplinary student research. We're always interested in talking to you! — As you continue, more and more, to "take over" our labs, keep in mind that Illinois Wesleyan has a student research conference on Saturday, April 13. There's no need to wait: already this term, the Illinois Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers will have a meeting where you could present. Would you like to develop a project to the point where you'd have something to present at such conferences? This sort of activity has enormous potential to impact your development (as well as your resume, which we will help to flesh out in order, so that you might secure a choice summer internship).

Tentative Schedule for PHYS 207:


Reading Schedule

Grappling with Measurements

Pen & Paper Exercises Computer Exercises Added Writing Prompts
Aug 26
Challenge, and
T&R Chap. 1
Historical Perspective
(Time Flies!)

Aug 28
Historical Perspective,
T&R Chap. 1

Overcoming writer's block, and
Begin Ch 14 of Essick text:
LabVIEW Program Development

Aug 30
T&R thru
Sect. 2.4:
Draft #1

(Pick up sidewalk chalk!)
In your lab notebook,
create a Section,
add some pages, and then
respond to these
writing prompts:

(even bad ideas) about
how you might make something go
at least half the speed of light

Ponder the physical basis of amplification,
writing down ideas (even incomplete ones)
about how you might DETECT a
ridiculously tiny signal
(like just one electron at a time)
(Turn in homework at the start of class)

HW #1
due Sept. 4,
T&R Ch 2:
#8, 11, 14

(HW always
come from
not "Questions,"
unless proceeded
by a Q)
Get help with LabVIEW installations
(if you want it on your own computer)

directly with Ch 14
Document your progress in your OneNote notebook

By next week, you are expected to have added (8) articles of interest in your named folder in our shared Zotero group
due Sept. 7:
Your Lab Notebook should include
annotations of key readings,
should record your ideas and notes in response to each week's writing prompts, and
provide a "heads up" on specific projects of high interest found in your explorations

[Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) are now
displacing the use of quartz crystal resonators in many applications,
for reasons described in this advanced technical note.]


Sept 2 Labor Day: Photograph your sidewalk!
Sept 4 Share ideas for lab!
Sect. 2.5:
Dilation & Contraction
(Relativity Revision #1)

Essick's LabVIEW Programming:
Show me where you are!

Sept 6 T&R thru
Sect. 2.7
(Type 2 Detector)
Time Dilation
& Muons

In your lab notebook,
(due Sept. 7) respond to these writing prompts:

Monday: riff on your brainstorms
from last week,
in writing

On Wednesday, write,
in general terms,
why you want
"systems near an instability"

On Thursday, write about your actual measurements of single quanta

This weekend, read T&R
Sect. 2.8, and
to your agent,
about a cool
cutting-edge project or two
Pen&Paper HW #1 due Wed:
#8, 11, 14

Pen&Paper HW #2 due
Sept. 6:
Ch 2
#18, 21

HW #3
(Extra Credit)
due Sept. 13:
a) Review this video on
space-time diagrams.
b) Re-draw the
space-time diagrams
from our paper.
Explain them
in writing.
Touch base with your
lab assistant, Igor:
Igor Pro Tutorial

due Sept. 5:
Document your progress with LabVIEW programming

By next week, you are expected to have added (12) articles of interest in your named folder in our shared Zotero group
In your lab notebook, respond to this writing prompt (by Wednesday of next week):


Sept 9
Sect. 2.6:
Coordinate +

Sept 11
Identically Accelerated Twins

By Friday get thru Sect. 2.12

Pre-labs At start of lab
Show your progress in
Essick's LabVIEW Programming!
Sept 13
Relativistic Energy
& Momentum

Finish Ch 2
Writing Prompts:

Figure out how to determine the speed of something traveling more than half the speed of light (Hint: what did they do in the movie, for muons?)

During 10-minute "background" measurements: sketch, and describe the details (e.g., what was the magnitude of any offsets you removed, and the time and voltage scales of the measured variations) of whatever you measure among 12 mystery signals offered.
(Triggering is key!)
HW #3
(Extra Credit)
due Sept. 13:
a) Review this video on
space-time diagrams.
b) Re-draw the
space-time diagrams
from our paper.
Explain them
in writing.

Pen&Paper HW #4 due
Sept 16:
Ch 2
By Tuesday, I expect to hear from you about your explorations of an interactive simulation called RelativityLand

due Sept. 12:
Document your progress with LabVIEW programming

By next week, you are expected to have added (16) articles of interest in your named folder in our shared Zotero group
In your lab notebook, respond to these writing prompts:

Begin your exploration of low-voltage Avalanche Detectors

Which High-Energy Physics project seems coolest?

Breaking News: Optical Clock research wins the 2022
$3M Breakthrough Prize in Physics
Here's more introducing the Physics of Optical Clocks


Sept 16 Waive your geek flag high!
Wear a Nerd Shirt!!

Chap. 3
p. 104 lists
only 4 ways
of generating emitted electrons
Sept 18
Scattering Intro:
Compton Effect
(Sect. 3.8)

Wear a Nerd Shirt!!
Pre-labs At start of lab
Show your progress in
Essick's LabVIEW Programming!

Sept 20 Wear a Nerd Shirt!!

Chap. 3
Experimentally Testing Modern Physics
(What section requires the most discussion?)

Photon Exercise #1:
Lighting an LED
("forward bias")

Photon Exercise #2:
Detecting Photons
("reverse bias")

Piazza Note @45:
sequenced readings on the semiconductor physics underlying many devices.
Once you've completed these readings, in your lab notebook,
respond to this
writing prompt:
What questions do the readings raise, for you?
Pen&Paper HW #4 due
Sept 16:
Ch 2

After reviewing
my slides, try
Pen&Paper HW #5 due
Sept 18:
Ch 2
#55, 57

Pen&Paper HW #6 due
Sept 20:
Ch 2
#66, 73

Read the posted homework solutions.
Analyze your
lab results, to calculate the speed of your beta particles!
data capture:
open LabVIEW, and
click on the TOOL menu.
Select Instrumentation >> Find Drivers
(e.g., for a Rigol scope:
under Manufacturer, type Rigol, and SEARCH.
Select package starting with rgds1k, and INSTALL).
Instrument-specific drivers are used by:
(After capturing data,
push button on lower right of scope,
to return to manual mode)

due Sept. 19:
Document your progress with LabVIEW programming

By next week, you are expected to have added (20) articles of interest in your named folder in our shared Zotero group
In your lab notebook,
respond to these writing prompts:

The 1st Age of Electronics was the Age of Vacuum Tubes.
This week, using a different kind of
avalanche-mode detector – a solid-state diode –
you will measure single photons.
Here's curricular context for this multi-week set of
lab exercises that step further into your
exploration of low-voltage Avalanche Detectors.

Consider the flow of information through a Measurement Chain,
starting with a transducer, and generalizing the notion of
how to design an amplifier, & how amplification can yield irreversibility


Sept 23 Discuss your TOP Zotero articles of interest!

Have you tried reviewing
Intro Physics?
What about
The Essence of Calculus?
Sept 25
Experimentally Testing
How Things Work:

TA-led review of your OneNote!
Pre-labs Work on
Can you take data with your own computer?
Catch up on LabVIEW!
Sept 27
The Prequels

Writing Prompts:

You are in position to measure a BILLION
data points per second
via LabVIEW.
Can you?

Capacitance in a
measurement chain
can kill off the
signal components
that make up a
short pulse,
via (frequency dependent) loading.
Why should you use
a 10× scope probe?
The avalanche portion of the detector response is FAST! Is it possible to measure?
Pen&Paper HW #7 due
Sept 27:
Ch 3
#46, 50

Writing prompt:
When does a
Philosophy Student
become a Philosopher?
Explore LabVIEW
Instrument I/O,
to configure the
data capture,
finalizing your Oscilloscope Driver's License.
For rapid data capture, only voltage levels are captured, not the associated time stamp, but Igor can calculate a time for each point: use the DATA menu to CHANGE WAVE SCALING. Then, simply plot a wave vs "calculated." — This is the default option in Igor: digital signal processing assumes evenly spaced data points.
Catch up on LabVIEW:
On Monday, you will Report
what page number you've worked up to in LabVIEW!

By next week, you are expected to have added (24) articles of interest in your named folder in our shared Zotero group
In your lab notebook,
respond to these writing prompts:

This week's lab highlights the fact that digital signal processing,
as a default, assumes evenly spaced data points.
When you are taking a billion data points per second,
how accurate must the relevant system clock be?

Piazza Note @45 introduces the physics of p-n junctions,
and of transistors,
is key to what's going on inside an "op-amp"
Here's a brief summary, before considering the
challenges associated with avalanche detectors

See Daniele Faccio & Andreas Velten's Reports on Progress in Physics article:
"A trillion frames per second:
the techniques and applications of
light-in-flight photography
Since publication, frame rates have increased
more than an additional order of magnitude:
Welcome to the new age

As "Lords of Time & Space," you can do L.O.T.S! — G.C.S.


Sept 30 Read Sect. 4.2

Prepare for a Student-led discussion of
Sect. 4.2:
A New Hope

Report what page numbers you've worked in LabVIEW
Oct 2 RBS:
The Return of the Professor
Pre-labs At start of lab
Show your progress in
Essick's LabVIEW Programming!
Oct 4
Chap. 2

Special Relativity
(The entire chapter!)

Photon Exercise #3:
Signal Conditioning

This begins your use of a Teensy microcontroller. Be careful about what you connect to the horizontal rows on your breadboard.

Here's a brief SPAD summary, before considering the
challenges associated with avalanche detectors

As detailed in Piazza Note @53,
our next single-photon labs
key readings
Our class is currently focused on
readings for LAB!

Pen&Paper HW #8 due
Oct 7:
Ch 4
(Needs only T&R Ch. 2)
Please make time to
work through sections of the Essick workbook:
catch up on LabVIEW
due Oct. 3:
Document your progress with LabVIEW programming

By next week, you are expected to have added (28) articles of interest in your named folder in our shared Zotero group: pick one, and I'll help you get an internship application out the door today!
Describe your explorations of this simulation:


Oct 7 From Particle Statistics
to Clint Davisson
and the
Wave Properties of Matter
(Begin Ch. 5)
"Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore"
Oct 9
Read Chap. 5
(Clint Davisson
and the
Wave Properties of Matter)
Catch Up!

Try using
Essick's LabVIEW Programming
"Measurement & Automation Explorer"
with a simple Data Acquisition (DAQ) device
to interact with the real world!

Oct 11
Review Chap. 5
(Clint Davisson
and the
Wave Properties of Matter)
Catch Up!

The countability of individual quanta is considered a "particle-like" property

Assuming you've completed
the key readings
detailed in Piazza Note @53,
you then have permission to try:

Photon Exercise #4:
Counting statistics(!!)
Photon Exercise #5:
Time Distribution of Counts

These exercises must be completed
before the start of lab next week!
Also critical is
figuring out,
and discussing,
this is critical!
(That's a writing prompt!)
Pen&Paper HW #8 due
Oct 7:
Ch 4
(Needs only T&R Ch. 2)

Pen&Paper HW #9 due
Oct 11:
Ch 4
#5, 7

Pen&Paper HW #10 due
Oct 16:
Ch 5
Prepare to load a program
onto the Teensy microcontroller.
Then, upload this
Teensy Code:
(Default setting is for use with Teensy 3.2. For Teensy 4.0, the input from comparator must be set to Pin 9.
in milli-seconds
for Teensy 3.2,
and micro-seconds
for Teensy 4.0)

Find a simple
Data Acquisition
BEGIN the related
LabVIEW chapters:

Go to Essick Chapter 5 ("Introduction to Data Acquisition Devices using MAX"):
Work your way through the end of Sect. 5.5
(at least)

By next week, you are expected to have added (32) articles of interest in your named folder in our shared Zotero group: pick one, and I'll help you get an internship application out the door today!

In your lab notebook,
respond to these writing prompts:

Testable claim: while engineering devices can always do worse,
the best they can do will be fundamentally limited by "shot noise."
Today, the noise becomes your signal, as you consider Counting Statistics.

How do you know something that is too small to see directly is a particle?
What does that even mean?

You might say that something is particle-like if:
• If it is countable — even if we can't actually count them, based on an indirect argument like Dalton's Law of Multiple Proportions (yet, long after Dalton, many continued to reject the notion of atoms as "un-scientific" immeasurable hypotheticals!)
• If "Particle theory" explains behavior — e.g., ideal gas behavior is based on the kinematics of particles (yet Boltzmann was tormented by opposition to his theory)
• If we can measure fundamental masses (e.g., via Einstein's suggested studies of Brownian motion), and their charges
• If we can actually count them — e.g., via observations of trajectories in a cloud chamber, or by (very carefully analyzing the statistics of) an avalanche detector (yet until careful experiments were performed, loopholes remained: it might shock you to know that the origins of Quantum Optics are often traced back to the work of people such as George Sudarshan, who used to hang out here, and others who are still alive today, such as Alain Aspect and Anton Zeilinger, who were awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics. It is this modern physics which has brought you to the brink of a next revolution, sometimes called Quantum 2.0)


Oct 14
Have you read up thru
Chap. 5?
(and annotated Feynman's lecture on the Wave Properties of Matter?)
Begin Ch. 6!

Oct 16
Clint Davisson
and the
Wave Properties of Matter
(Ch. 6!)

Essick's LabVIEW Programming
"Measurement & Automation Explorer"
using real Data Acquisition (DAQ) devices
to interact with the real world

Oct 18
Chap. 6:
Modern Quantum Theory
of Matter

Before this week's lab, you should have completed your ANALYSIS of both Photon Exercise #4 and Photon Exercise #5

In Intro Physics, you explained interference
as basic WAVE behavior.
Celebrating Bohr's birthday, your lab is:
Spectra & the Origin of Quantum Physics
Single-Slit Diffraction and
Multi-Slit Interference

With an eye towards increased precision
in your measurements,
review the Vernier scales
encountered in earlier coursework
Pen&Paper HW #10 due
Oct 16:
Ch 5

Pen&Paper HW #11 due
Oct 18:
Ch 5
#32, 48

Pen&Paper HW #12 due
Oct 23:
Ch 5
Work through
Essick Chapter 5
(This material WILL be on the next exam!)

due Oct. 17:
LabVIEW programming HW#5
(Upon request, extensions may be granted until Oct. 25, but no later
...please start it now!!)

on the next exam!

By next week, you are expected to have added (36) articles of interest in your named folder in our shared Zotero group: pick one, and I'll help you get an internship application out the door today!

Respond to these writing prompts:

What's the difference between Optics, ...and Photonics?
[Recognizing an area of enormous opportunity, the IWU Physics Department now offers a Concentration in Optics & Photonics]

Which project seems coolest?
The Origins of Quantum Mechanics


Oct 21
Discuss your reading
Chap. 6:
Modern Quantum Theory
of Matter

Oct 23
Review of
T&R Sect. 5.4

What constitutes information,
and what
constrains its flow
and exchange?

Essick's LabVIEW Programming
for Data Acquisition:
Close MAX. Instead,
open LabVIEW and
use DAQ Assistant

Oct 25
Discussion of
T&R Chap. 6

Sketching Solutions!!

annotation assignment
at far right!

Round Robin:

Photo-Electric Effect-themed labs
Pen&Paper HW #12 due
Oct 23:
Ch 5

Pen&Paper HW #13 due
Oct 25:
Ch 6
#1, 6, 8
When importing data containing
descriptive headers,
see Section 8 of my
tutorial on Igor Pro

Catch up on LabVIEW:
A single instance of DAQ Assistant
can be used to acquire multiple channels

Turn in

Draft a new resume, highlighting gains you've made
in terms of technical competencies

By next week, you are expected to have added (40) articles of interest in your named folder in our shared Zotero group: pick one, and I'll help you get an internship application out the door today!
Reading published Physics articles can be a slow process,
but you need more practice,
not only for an introduction to the material covered,
but also for developing habits of
writing your way towards understanding,
and for internalizing the
conventions of writing in the discipline!

Due Monday:
Collaboratively annotate
the first of our experiments involving:
Two slits interacting with only one "particle" at a time

This article includes extension of such tests to include
"Ghost Imaging," which makes use of entangled photon pairs
(which cannot really be described as individual particles),
such that the photons incident upon the detecting camera
have never interacted with the object imaged….

This "spooky" result is achieved by exploiting correlations
that are required by conservation of energy & momentum.
Observed phenomena of these sorts demand revision
of your mental model of what a "particle" is!

(Also see the Supplemental Info.)


Oct 28
material for Exam

When signal levels exceed Vmax, use a Voltage Divider!
When signal levels approach meter resolution, design a 10x gain amplifier circuit!

Stationary States:
why we were
led to them,
why they are
a tiny subset of what's possible,
and what's special about them

Oct 30
Bring to class
your LabVIEW text,
to take next steps
of Data Acquisition

Read the two chapters on

Nov 1
3D bottles:
Ch. 7

Round Robin:

Photo-Electric Effect-themed labs
Pen&Paper HW #14 due
Oct 28:
Ch 6
#15, 17, 18

Pen&Paper HW #15 due Oct 30:
Ch 6
#26, 28, 29

Prep for test
due Oct 31:
LabVIEW programming HW#5

When importing data containing
descriptive headers,
see Section 8 of my
tutorial on Igor Pro

By next week, you are expected to have added (44) articles of interest in your named folder in our shared Zotero group

Your draft resume should now contain updates
based upon technical competencies
gained from this class and others.

Looking ahead, what kinds of stories
do you want your undergraduate resume
to include?

Respond to these writing prompts:

One of our IWU Physics alumni recently gave a talk on:
"The Physics of Computers from the Future"
From vacuum tubes to the transistor,
physics has always defined the fundamentals of computing.
We must collectively work to understanding the paths we must invest in
for physics to play a role in the next revolution in computing,
ushering in a future characterized by a radical leap
in the ability of computers to augment humans.

On some level, I believe that you want to change the world, and if you really do want to act on that impulse somehow, then I think you will want to try to understand the ways in which the world works, deeply. Deep understanding is very powerful, and yet there is an allure towards it that is separate from any concern over its application, and that allure is, quite simply, beauty. — G.C.S.

Is the one-way flow you associate with Time an "emergent" phenomenon?


Nov 4
Ch. 7 &
Angular Momentum
from stationary states

Nov 6
Read Chap. 9
Statistical Physics:
The Heart of Modern Physics

Ch 6 & 13

using DAQ Assistant
and beyond

Nov 8
Predictions from
pp. 320-322:
Bose-Einstein Statistics

Writing Prompt:
Review the
Method of Successive Approximations

Data Acquisition, using DAQ Assistant
(and beyond)
(Essick Ch 6 & 13)
HW #16
due Nov 6:
Ch 7

HW #17
(Extra Credit)
due Nov 8:
Ch 7

HW #18
due Nov 11:
Ch 9
Due Nov. 7:
The very last
LabVIEW programming assignment
of the term:
(Extra Credit)

Over the weekend, make sure that
your resume is uploaded to Handshake, and that
another version,
scrubbed of your GPA and contact information,
is posted to your LinkedIn profile.

By next week, you are expected to have added (48) articles of interest in your named folder in our shared Zotero group: pick one, and I'll help you get an internship application out the door today!
Writing Prompt:
Is the one-way flow you associate with Time an "emergent" phenomenon?

Here’s my take: dissipation of energy is always at the heart of the matter.
As energy spreads out among many reservoir degrees of freedom, the chances
of it taking a time-reversed path become more and more negligible.
Considering the available "trajectories" for energy dispersal,
it is as if I were in a maze of enormous complexity:
over short times I might be able to retrace a few steps,
but little chance of that persists over longer times,
and so time-reversed paths become an inaccessibly small fraction.

Extra Credit Option A:
for 1D potentials


Extra Credit Option B:
"Shooting" Method
for 1D potentials



Nov 11
Chap. 9:
Statistical Physics,
The Heart of Modern Physics

Nov 13

DAQ Attack!
Ch 5-6
Sep. of Variables

Essick's LabVIEW Programming:
More on Data Acquisition,
using DAQ Assistant

Nov 15
Finish Chap. 9:
Statistical Physics,
The Heart of Modern Physics

Writing Prompt:
The consequences of indistinguishability
lead directly to the Pauli Exclusion Principle,
Fermi-Dirac statistics, Bose Einstein statistics,
and the many-body physics underlying both
Thermodynamics and Materials Physics

Blackbody Radiation
(as treated on
T&R pp. 320-322
DAQ Assistant
for Data Acquisition

By the start of next week,
you are expected to have added
(52) articles of interest
in your named folder
in our shared Zotero group.
By the end of next week,
you need to have
drafted (5) emails
specific projects of interest to you.
HW #18
due Nov 11:
Ch 9

HW #19
due Nov 13:
Ch 9

HW #20
due Nov 15:
Ch 9
#21, Q12
"The dog which did not bark"
Catch up on LabVIEW:
Turn in

An earlier writing prompt directed you towards Daniele Faccio & Andreas Velten's article:
"A trillion frames per second:
the techniques and applications of
light-in-flight photography
Since publication, frame rates have increased
more than an additional order of magnitude:
This is the dawn
of a new age
Where does the Pauli Exclusion Principle come from?

Additional Projects
available to you:
on the theme of

If you've thought about how IRREVERSIBILITY
arises in the Measurement of Quanta,
I'd love to help you to work on projects relating to
"The Arrow of Time in Quantum Measurement"


Nov 18
Multi-Particle Examples: Chap. 10-11

Nov 20 Chap. 14:
What is the origin of so-called "Elementary" Particles
(are they either?)

Do we even know what an electron is?
(asked in the spirit of "The Blind Monks & The Elephant")
Nov 20
STEM Career Night
Young Main Lounge

Take your UPDATED résumé

Nov 22 It's wave physics all the way down!
Semiconductor Physics
(Chap. 11)
Ch 12-13:
The Physics of
The Nucleus,
Nuclear Interactions

How do interactions arise?

Dive deep into your Article of Interest Log

Identify your Zotero "Top 5"
cutting-edge projects, and
draft emails to those behind the work,
including, as attachment,
a revised resume

(A required, graded exercise)

Wrap up
Blackbody Radiation
(as treated on
T&R pp. 320-322
HW #21
due Nov 29:
Ch 12

HW #22
(Extra Credit)
due Dec 2:
Ch 12
Catch up on LabVIEW:

Turn in
all LabVIEW HW sets

By Friday, you are expected to have
drafted (5) emails regarding
specific projects of interest to you.

By next week, you are expected to have added (56) articles of interest in your named folder in our shared Zotero group: pick one, and I'll help you get an internship application out the door today!
Fusion is fundamental to our universe and, if harnessed,
holds the potential to change the future of our species.
By the end of this week, try this Fusion Game,
where you aim to work your way up to Fe-56:
Use your arrow keys to move the tiles.
When you move together two tiles that can be fused,
then they will fuse!
(Here are a couple of handy reference tables.)

Nuclear synthesis gives us the elements:

...but the physics of MATERIALS is very different from the physics of
individual atoms or molecules.
Many-body physics is characterized by emergent qualities.
(The topic of EMERGENCE will loom centrally in our discussions!)


Nov 25
Ch 12-13:

The Physics of
The Nucleus


Nuclear Interactions

Nov 27
Send your revised emails (with resume) to those behind your Top 5 projects of interest

For lab
Totally Classless

Nov 29
Follow up your
5 emails
(e.g., trying a different group member)


DAQ Assistant
for Data Acquisition

HW #21
due Nov 29:
Ch 12

Summer Internship Applications

writing prompts
from this term
Catch up on LabVIEW:

Turn in
all LabVIEW HW sets

By next week, you are expected to have added (60) articles of interest in your named folder in our shared Zotero group: pick one, and I'll help you get an internship application out the door today!

It seems there are FUNDAMENTAL principles to discover at EVERY length scale!
(including, of course, the human length scale)


Dec 2
EXAM: through Ch 11

Dec 4
Ch 12-13:
Where does
come from?
(and how do
we know?)

For lab Follow up on
IWU STEM Career Night
Dec 6
What's left?

I will remain available to serve as your Agent

HW #22
(Extra Credit)
due Dec 2:
Ch 12
#16 Review
writing prompts
from this term

Chap. 15-16:

Paul Umbanhowar's and Harry Swinney's oscillons in vibrated granular media,
where oscillon-oscillon interactions arise from the exchange of particles:

...and, thus introduced to the seething froth to which we ultimately return,
...a proton describes its final moments in the Large Hadron Collider:

Even More Projects available to you: Spectral Distributions


Final Exam:
Wed., Dec. 11
(Save the Date!)

Tour of Current Research Opportunities

Zen, indeed.
** Class Discussion Page on Piazza ** Highlighting Energy     
Syllabus Empowering STEM-based solutions to Environmental issues
Course Description How this course fits into your plan for world domination