Alpha Gamma
Delta was founded at Syracuse University in New York on May 30,
1904. 11 pioneering women came together to form AGD. These women
founded this fraternity on the foundation for academic excellence,
leadership development, high ideals and sisterhood. Alpha Gamma
Delta was first Greek organization to be formed with the intent
of being a national organization, the first of the National Panhellenic
Council to adopt a specific international philanthropy, and the
first Greek sorority to colonize in Hawaii. Today Alpha Gamma Delta
has grown to be an international organization with 179 collegiate
chapters and 250 alumnae chapters, clubs and Junior Circles. |
Xi chapter was originally
Pi Delta Theta, a local Fraternity, until 1914 when it joined with
Alpha Gamma Delta. Xi Chapter moved into its stately house in 1930,
making it the first women's group on campus to own their own Chapter
House. The lovely house was built in 1868 by Robert E. Williams,
a prominent attorney who was acquainted with Abraham Lincoln and
Stephen A. Douglas. Mr. Williams had the house built to accommodate
his rather large family of 13. The Alpha Gamma Delta family is much
larger than 13, and we have had 2 additions built on to accommodate
our growing family. With its historical background, our house was
inducted into the McLean County Bi-Centennial Arts Committee in
1976. |