Alpha Gams are busy, whether it be in classes, clubs, or the
community! Many of our girls are involved in activities that keep them
busy year around.
Soccer: Jessa, April, Marisa, Mary, Heather, Kristin F., Emily C., and Katie K.
Track: Kati S. and Tina
Softball: Natalie
Swimmer: Sara
Volleyball: Melissa S.
Dance Team: Lauren W., Mel, and Laurel
Cheerleaders:Jackie and Tina
Marathon runners: Joanie, Marisa, Landis, and Steph does Triathalons
Musicians/Singers: Cari, Joan, Lauren E.
Student Senate: Laura J., Becky, Mahera, and Melissa M.
Panhellenic Counsel: Laura J.
Habitat for Humanity: This is a club many of us help
out in, but Kelsey actually went to New Orleans over spring break to work
on a huge, weeklong Habitat project!
Mentoring program: Joanie, Sam, Marissa S., Denise and
two of our Rho Chi's. These girls have had the wonderful opportunity to
work with younger children; they just love making a difference in their
Sociology Club:Denise
Psi Chi:Lauren W.
Ambassadors Club:Becky K., Sharon K., Casey, Kara N., Sara L.
EGAS:Lauren W., Becky K.,and Jenny R.
Accounting Society: Emily O., Melissa M. Emily serves on the exec board.
Titan Law Club: Lauren W., Sam
IWU College Democrats:Sam
University Students Against Drunk Driving (USAID): One
of our members is vice president! Alpha Gams are also actively involved
in the following organizations and clubs:
APO, Band, Choir, Econ Society, DRL3, College
Republicans, The Argus
Moira McPartlin (‘03) was voted 2003 TKE Sweetheart
at the TKE spring formal.
Dayna Vidas (‘03) was voted 2003 Theta Chi Dream
Girl at the Dream Girl Formal.
Our president, Jill Skarvan (’04), was recently
engaged to Dave Rockrohr, and they will be getting married on June 18,
Shaylon Siepker (’03) recently married FIJI Brad
Grant this past June.
Lora Nickols (’02) married TKE Tom Tague,
in January of 2004.
Eleanor Swanson (’02) is engaged to FIJI Mark Henry.
Rhya Bloom (‘02) was married to Sigma Chi Matt
Miller last year.
Leslie Minnich (‘03) was lavaliered and pinned
to Sigma Chi Joe Abruzzo.
Jill Centko (‘03) was lavaliered to her boyfriend
Mike Fitzpatrick, who was a TKE at Millikin University.