Physics III

Measurement &Modern Physics

and Thermodynamics

PHYS 207

Course description

Daily Schedule

Laboratory Engagement: CNS room E009
Wed. or Thurs. 7-9PM

Out-of-Lab Experiences, CNS room E009
MWF 1:00-1:50PM

Gabe Spalding
Office Hours: CNS, room C006B
Mon/Fri: 2:00-3:50PM
Thurs: 4:00-4:50PM

Student discussion page
Public chats via Mastodon

The IWU Catalog states that, "Ideally, all courses will make approximately the same total demands upon a student’s time: ten to twelve hours per week per course (including scheduled class meeting time needed to complete all assignments) as a rule of thumb during a regular semester."

Required Texts:

Scientific Software: (no prior experience assumed; help is available)

Creating sharable, editable materials: Since much of your learning arises from revision, the materials we pass back and forth, electronically, ought to be easily editable (which excludes the .pdf format, which is designed for robust sharing without corruption of equations, etc., but is severely restricted in the kinds of editing that is easily allowed).

Grading procedures:

  • Laboratory Notebook: 20% [discussed at the following link.]
  • Other written exercises: 20%
  • In-term exams add up to a total of: 39%
  • Final Exam: 13%
  • Zotero/Field Trip/Participation/Follow-up: 8%
  • Analytical exercises: the following simple scheme will be applied to each problem or substantial part thereof: 4 points will be awarded for a correct numerical answer if arrived at through clear application of physical principles, 3 points for correct application of concepts, 2 points for a significant attempt with conceptual errors, and 1 point for an attempt.

    Exams: Clearly conveying understanding is key! Partial credit may be awarded for sensible efforts even without completely correct answers.

    ** Class Discussion Page on Piazza **
    Accommodations: Tend your Brain!
    Highlighting Energy     
    Course Description Empowering STEM-based solutions to Environmental issues
    Daily Schedule How this course fits into your plan for world domination