Illinois Wesleyan University

Data on Attrition, Declared Majors, Graduation Rates, Degrees and Majors Conferred, and Post-Graduation Activities of IWU Students

The Registrar's Office carefully tracks attrition, graduation rates, degrees conferred, and majors earned by graduatng students. The links to the right offer several exhibits on these topics.

For more information on how any of these data items are defined or compiled, contact Mona Gardner, Director of Institutional Research and Planning, at 309/556-3760 or by e-mail to

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Attrition, Graduation, Degrees/ Majors, and Graduate Follow-up

Number of Majors Earned 98-99 through 04-05
Majors by % of Total, 98-99 through 04-05
Declared Majors by Gender, Fall 2005
Degrees Awarded by Date and Type, 91-92 through 04-05
4-, 5-, and 6-Year Graduation Rate Trends
First-Year and All-University Attrition Over Time
Graduates' Activities One Year Later, 1994-95 through 2004-05

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Mona Gardner

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