Lotus Pose (Padmasana)
Increases spatial memory, improves concentration, reduces stress, calms the brain, eases menstrual discomfort, stretches the ankles and knees. Traditionally believed to help get rid of all diseases and awaken kundalini.
Cadaver Pose
Relaxes, relieves your stress, reduces fatigue and insomnia, reduces blood pressure, etc.
Sun salutation
Stretches your entire body, and helps you reap the benefits of different yoga poses you do while executing this pose.
Thunderbolt pose (Vajrasana)
Helps digestion, prevents or relieves constipation, strengthens your pelvic muscles.
Palm-tree Pose (Tadasana)
Stretches the spine, increases height in children, loosens the congested spinal nerves, and helps tone the nerves of abdominal muscles.
Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
Keeps the dorsal spine flexible and strong, relieves backache, reduces abdominal fat, strengthens your heart and stomach, and increases hunger.
Seated Forward Bend (Paschimotasana)
Strengthens abdominal muscles, improves digestion, stretches spine, shoulder and hamstrings, soothes headache and calms the brain.
Locust Pose (Salabhasana)
Relieves waist pain, helps people who easily get tired while walking, tones down the waist (good for women who want to be in shape), relieves menstrual pain.
Bow Position (Dhanurasana)
Good for your lungs, chest, spine and joints. Helps digestion, reduce abdominal fat, and assists in reducing weight.
Cow head Pose (Gomukhasana)
Stretches the ankles, hips and thighs, shoulders, armpits and triceps, and chest
Forward Bend (Padahastasana)
Improves your memory, invigorates your brain with an abundant supply of oxygen, prevents headaches, and tones the abdominal organs.
Eye and Neck Exercises
Improves vitality and hearing, prevents headaches, reduces eye strain especially after you do a lot of reading.
Downward Dog
Improves memory, reduces headaches, relieves mild stress and depression, energizes your body, prevents insomnia and fatigue, and strengthens your arms and legs.
Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana)
Strengthens and stretches the legs and ankles, increases stamina, stimulates abdominal organs, relieves backache and reduces stress.
Half Fish Pose (Ardhamatsyendrasana)
Increases the elasticity of the spine, massages the internal organs such as stomach, intestine, liver, lungs, etc and makes them healthy.
Lion Pose
Good for your throat. Makes your voice sweeter, improves your breathing, and cures many throat-related problems. Also reduces stress. (Many lion laughter clubs have sprung up, where you sit in the lion pose and laugh. You stick your tongue out and start laughing.
Balance Pose
Strengthens your joints, stretches your body, improves your balance and concentration, and improves your posture.
Triangle Pose
Strengthens your joints, stretches your blood vessels in neck, hand, etc.