Illinois Wesleyan University


Greetings and Call to Leadership

Greetings on Behalf of Illinois Wesleyan Students
Kevin Maliszewski, Class of 2006, Student Senate President

It is with great honor and humility that I stand before the campus community of Illinois Wesleyan University on this prestigious occasion where we will welcome Richard F. Wilson as our 18th president. In the short time that I have worked with President Wilson, I have concluded that Illinois Wesleyan is truly blessed to have such a fine leader among us. At this pivotal time for Illinois Wesleyan, the president's leadership will be required to lead this University towards a bright future that will encompass the many hopes and dreams that we all share for this institution.

It is a particular hope of mine that this leadership is effective in fighting a common foe that lurks in learning institutions around the country: the attitude of minimalism. Minimizing effort so as to do only what is necessary deflates dreams, destroys purpose, erases goals, and is truly detrimental to a liberal arts education.

Illinois Wesleyan's weapon to fight minimalism is the caliber and ability of the students that choose to attend the University. While this is a strength, it is important to note that we should never consider where we have been or where we currently stand, but only the direction in which we are moving. Illinois Wesleyan must take good students and turn them into great students. As a campus community, we can achieve this by inspiring those among us to dream big, aspire to greater things, and follow a purpose.

Challenging students and overcoming minimalism is just one hope that I have for the future leadership. I am confident that my hopes and aspirations for Illinois Wesleyan will be fulfilled because I believe that a true leader does not only share and articulate their vision with others, but inspires those around him or her to take part in and act upon that vision as well. In President Wilson, we have an individual who will do just that. President Wilson, I wish you the best of luck in the future and extend my thanks for joining this special community we enjoy here at Illinois Wesleyan.


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Holmes Hall 204
P.O. Box 2900
Bloomington, IL 61702
(309) 556-3151

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