Second through Third Grade

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Intro to 9/11

Lesson Objectives:  Students will brainstorm fact that they know about 9/11 using a word web of the 5 w’s (who, what, where, when, why) and how on the board.  Students will respond to a song and pictures about 9/11 through discussing their emotions and feelings.  Students will create a book in pairs of 9/11 making a page for one fact they know and one thing they wonder.

Timeline of 9/11

Lesson Objectives:  Students will become familiar with the order in which the tragedies of September 11th took place.  Students will understand why the events of 9/11 are important for US history.  Students will create visual works of art to represent the major events that took place on September 11th, 2001.

Fire Safety

Lesson Objectives:  Students learn and can demonstrate fire safety rules

Everyday Heroes

Lesson Objectives:  Students will respond to a video clip of September 11 by discussing their emotions and reactions with the class.  Students will discuss and analyze different definitions of a hero in the context of September 11 and in their own lives.  Students will write letters to a hero in their lives, demonstrating their ability to apply the characteristics of heroes to real life people and their ability to write in letter format.

Teaching Diversity through 9/11

Lesson Objectives:  Students will become familiar with the term “diversity.”  Students will become familiar with the differences between people based on race, ethnicity, gender, and social class and be able to accept and embrace these differences.

Creating a Memorial Quilt

Lesson Objective:  Students will learn about the significance of memorials and apply that knowledge to create a memorial of their own for the victims of 9/11.