Illinois Wesleyan University Parking Policies

  • All Faculty, Staff, and Student vehicles parked on University property must be registered with the Security Department and display a valid parking decal. Decals are to be permanently affixed to the lower right hand corner of the windshield.
  • There is no fee to register a vehicle and obtain a decal.
  • Vehicles can be registered at the Security Office at 110 E. Graham St.
  • The information needed to register a vehicle is your name, your local address or department, the make, model, year and color of the vehicle, the license plate number and state the license plate was issued.
  • All vehicles parked on campus must be in operating condition with valid license plates.
  • No vehicle can be stored on campus without permission from the Security Department.

  • Faculty/Staff-can park in Faculty/Staff designated lots.
  • Students- can park in Student designated lots only.
  • Visitors-There are 6 visitor spots on campus, they are in the parking lot to the east of The Hansen Center. These spots are reserved for visitors to the University. Students are not considered as visitors to campus.
  • Handicapped-Parking in any of the designated handicapped spaces is reserved for those individuals with Handicapped Licenses Plates or placards issued by a governmental entity. Temporary handicapped permits may be issued by the Security Department. Approval by the University Nurse is required to obtain one of these permits. This permit allows the holder to park in the nearest available, legal, university parking space but not handicapped spaces.
  • Temporary Stickers for any of the above classifications can be obtained at the Security Office.

  • The Security Department will issue tickets for all violations occurring on University property.

    Violations are written for:

    1. Failure to Register Vehicle or Display Decal. The fine for this violation is $20 per ticket. The fine for this violation will be waived if the vehicle is registered within 48 hours of first ticket.
    2. Parking on Campus Walks, Grass, or in Drives.
    3. Parking in a Restricted Area. (i.e. Faculty/Staff lot, visitors space, etc.)
    4. Improper Parking.
    5. Overtime Parking (15 minute limit in the lot by Holmes Hall.)
    6. No Parking Zone.
    7. Parking in a Fire Lane.
  • The fines for violations numbered 2-7 are $10.
  • All appeals must be made to the Security Department within 48 hours of the issuance of a ticket.
  • Vehicles parked in a Faculty/Staff parking lot that don't have a valid Faculty/Staff decal displayed are subject to being towed.
  • All fines are to be paid at the Business Office in Holmes Hall.
  • A vehicle can also be towed for obstructing traffic, parking in a fire lane, being in an unsafe condition or being stored without permission. All charges and expenses from towing or impoundment are the responsibility of the vehicle owner.
  • If your vehicle has been towed from a city street contact Bloomington Police Department.
  • Vehicles towed from a University parking lot are towed by Brown's Wrecker Service Inc., 302 N. Brown, Bloomington, Ph. 828-3753. The fee to recover your vehicle is $65 minimum.
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Last updated 9/8/2004