Hotel/Motel Information
Best Inns
Best Western
Comfort Inn
Days Inn
Econo Lodge
Fairfield Inn
Hampton Inn
Holiday Inn
L&L Motel
Motel 6
Parkway Inn
Signature Inn
Super 8

Best Inns
1905 W, Market St. (1-55/1-74 & Rt. 9/Market St.), Bloomington, Illinois 61701 ~ (309) 827-5333
800-237-8466; Fax# (309) 827-5333

107 rooms; restaurant adjacent to facility; group rates; several-night packages; senior citizen discount; ages 18 and under free; cable-TV, satellite-TV: free in-room movies; king-size beds; nonsmoking rooms: handicapped accessible rooms; outdoor pool and sun deck; video game room; free coffee & continental breakfast; vending machines; free cribs available; pets welcome; credit cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Discover.

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Best Western Eastland Suites Lodge
1801 Eastland Dr., Bloomington, Illinois 61704 ~ (309) 662-0000
800-528-1234; Fax# (309) 663-6668

64 suites; restaurants within walking distance; group rates; ages 18 and under free; meeting rooms for up to 50; banquet facilities for Lip to 50; cable-TV; free in-room movies; king-size beds; complete kitchens; rooms with fireplace; handicapped accessible rooms; indoor pool; sauna/whirlpool; exercise room; other outdoor recreational facilities; free coffee & continental breakfast; vending machines; free newspaper; free cribs available; valet service; complimentary airport shuttle; credit cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Japanese, Discover.

Best Western University Inn
6 Traders Circle (1-55 & Rt. 51 North), Normal, Illinois 61761 ~ (309) 454-4070
800-528-1234; Fax # (309) 888-4505

102 rooms; restaurants within walking distance; group rates; several- night packages; senior citizen discount; ages 18 and under free; meeting rooms for 12-35; banquet facilities for up to 35; cable-TV, free in-room HBO movies; VCR and video rental; king-size beds; non- smoking rooms; handicapped accessible rooms; indoor pool; sauna; free coffee & continental breakfast; vending machines; free newspaper; free cribs available; pets welcome; valet service; complimentary shuffle to airport, train station and bus depot; credit cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Japanese, Discover, Amoco Multi.

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Coachman Inn Motel
408 E. Washington St., Bloomington, Illinois 61701 ~ (309) 827-6186

50 rooms; restaurant on premises; group rates; several-night packages; senior citizen discount; ages 12 and under free; meeting rooms for up to 20; cable-TV,, free in-room HBO movies; king-size beds; waterbeds; nonsmoking rooms; handicapped accessible rooms; video game room; lounge; nighttime entertainment nearby; vending machines; cribs available; pets welcome; credit cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Discover.

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Comfort Inn
500 Brock Dr. (1-55/1-74 & Rt. 9/Market St.) Bloomington, Illinois 61701 ~ (309) 828-6000

103 rooms; restaurants within walking distance; group rates; senior citizen discount; ages 18 and under free; meeting rooms for up to 30; cable-TV; free in-room HBO movies; VCR and video rental; suites; king- size beds; nonsmoking rooms; handicapped accessible rooms; free coffee & continental breakfast; vending machines; free newspaper; free cribs available; baby-sitting available; valet service; complimentary shuttle to airport, train station, bus depot; credit cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Japanese, Discover, En Route.

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Days Inn East
1803 E. Empire St. (Rt. 9 & Prospect Rd.) Bloomington, Illinois 61704 ~ (309) 663-1361
800-325-2525; Fax# (309) 662-6113

100 rooms; restaurant on premises; group rates; several-night packages; senior citizen discount; ages 18 and under free; meeting and banquet facilities for up to 40; cable-TV, satellite-TV, free in-room movies; In-room Nintendo; VCR rental; suites; king-size beds; non- smoking rooms: handicapped accessible rooms; free coffee and continental breakfast; vending machines; free newspaper; free cribs available; pets welcome; valet service; complimentary airport shuttle; credit cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Discover.

Days Inn West
707 W. Market St. (1-55/1-74 & Rt. 9/Market St.) Bloomington, Illinois 61701 ~ (309) 829-6292
800-325-2525; Fax# (309) 829-6292

58 rooms; restaurants within walking distance; group rates; several- night packages; senior citizen discount; ages 18 and under free; cable- TV; satellite-TV; free in-room HBO movies; in-room Nintendo; VCR rental; suites; king-size beds; nonsmoking rooms; handicapped accessible rooms; indoor pool; whirlpool; video game room; free coffee and continental breakfast; vending machines; free cribs; pets welcome; credit cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Discover.

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Econo Lodge
401 Brock Dr. (1-55/1-74 & Rt. 9/Market St.) Bloomington, Illinois 61701 ~ (309) 829-7602
800-55-ECONO; Fax# (309) 827-4716

125 rooms; restaurant on premises: group rates; senior citizen discount; ages 12 and under free; meeting and banquet facilities for up to 150; cable-TV; suites; king-size beds; waterbeds; nonsmoking rooms; handicapped accessible rooms; room service; outdoor pool and sun deck; other outdoor recreational facilities; video game room; lounge; entertainment/dancing; free coffee; vending machines; free cribs available; credit cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Discover.

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Fairfield Inn
202 N. Landmark Dr. (Veterans Parkway & College Ave.), Normal, Illinois 61761 ~ (309) 454-6600
800-228-2800; Fox # (309) 454-6600 Ext. 709;

132 rooms; restaurants within walking distance; group rates; senior citizen discount; ages 18 and under free; meeting rooms for up to 15; satellite-TV; free in-room movies; king-size beds; nonsmoking rooms; handicapped accessible rooms; outdoor pool and sun deck; free coffee; vending machines; free cribs available; valet service;credit cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Discover.

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Hampton Inn
604 1/2 IAA Dr. (Veterans Parkway & route 9/Empire St.) Bloomington, Illinois 61701 ~ (309) 662-2800
800-HAMPTON; Fax# (309) 662-2811

108 rooms; restaurant adjacent to facility; group rates; senior citizen discount; Lifestyle 50 Senior Discount program; ages 18 and under free; meeting rooms for up to 18; cable-TV, satelile-TV, free in-room movies; king-size beds; nonsmoking rooms; handicapped accessible rooms; Visual Alert System for hearing impaired guests; outdoor pool and sun deck; free coffee & continental breakfast; vending machines; free newspaper; free cribs available; Federal Express drop box; copy machine available; UPS service; valet service; complimentary airport shuttle; credit cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Japanese, Discover, Carte Blanche.

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Holiday Inn East
1219 Holiday Ln. (Rt. 9/Empire St. & Veterans Parkway), Bloomington, Illinois 61704 ~ (309) 662-5311
800-HOLIDAY: Fax# (309) 663--1732

211 rooms; restaurant on premises; group rates; senior-citizen discount; ages IS and under free; meeting rooms for 10-200; banquet facilities for up to 350; cable-TV; satellite-TV; free in-room movies; king-size beds; nonsmoking rooms; handicapped accessible rooms; room service; video game room; indoor pool; sauna/whirlpool; miniature golf course/putting green; table tennis; lounge; entertainment/dancing; free coffee; vending machines; free newspaper, free cribs available; baby-sitting available; pets welcome; valet service; complimentary airport shuttle; credit cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Japanese, Discover.

Holiday Inn North
8 Traders Circle (r@t. 51 North & 1-55) Normal, Illinois 61761 ~ (309) 452-8300
800-HOLIDAY; Fax# (309) 454-6722

161 rooms; restaurant on premises; group rates; several-night packages; senior citizen discount; ages 18 and under free with parents; meeting rooms for 20-225; banquet facilities for up to 226; cable-TV, satellite-TV; free in-room movies; suites; king-size beds; nonsmoking rooms; handicapped accessible rooms; room service; video game room; outdoor pool and sun deck; lounge; entertainment/dancing: vending machines; free newspaper, valet service; complimentary airport shuttle; credit cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Discover.

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Jumer's Chateau
1601 Jumer Dr. (Veterans Parkway & Jumer Dr.) Bloomington, Illinois 617604
800-446-4690; Fax # (309) 662-2020 Ext. 617

180 rooms; restaurant on premises; group-rates; several-night packages; senior citizen discount; ages 18 and under free; meeting rooms for 50-500; banquet facilities for up to 400; cable-TV, satellite-TV, free in-room movies; suites; king-size beds; waterbeds; nonsmoking rooms; handicapped accessible rooms; room service; video game room; indoor pool; sauna/whirlpool; exercise room; health club; table tennis; outdoor sun deck; lounge; entertainment/dancing; specialty gift shop; vending machines; free newspaper; free cribs available; baby-sitting available; pets welcome; valet service; complimentary airport shuttle: credit cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club.

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L&L Motel
1507 Morrissey Dr. Bloomington, Illinois 61701 ~ (309) 663-2361

20 rooms; restaurant adjacent to facility; group rates; several-night packages; cable-TV, waterbeds; free coffee; vending machines; credit cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Japanese, Discover.

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Motel 6
1600 N. Main St. (1-55 & Rt. 51 North) Normal, Illinois 61761 ~ (309) 452-0422

98 rooms; ages 18 and under free; cable-TV, free in-room movies; non- smoking rooms; outdoor pool and sun deck; vending machines; free cribs available; pets welcome; credit cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express; Diners Club, Discover.

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Parkway Inn
2419 Springfield Rd. (Veterans Parkway & 1-74) Bloomington, Illinois 61701 ~ (309) 828-1505
800-762-9153; Fax # (309) 827-87 1 0

112 roams; restaurant on premises; group-rates; senior citizen discount; ages 12 and under free with parents; meeting rooms for 10-100; banquet facilities for up to 100; satellite-TV, suites; nonsmoking rooms; handicapped accessible rooms; room service; outdoor pool; lounge; vending machines; cribs available; credit cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club.

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Signature Inn
101 S. Veterans Parkway (Veterans Parkway & College Ave.), Normal, Illinois 61761 ~ (309) 454-4044
800-822-5252, Fox # (309) 454-4044;

122 rooms; restaurant adjacent to facility; senior citizen discount; ages 17 and under free; meeting rooms for 15-100; cable-TV, suites; king-size beds; nonsmoking rooms; handicapped accessible rooms; free room service from adjacent restaurant; outdoor pool and sun deck; free coffee & continental breakfast; vending machines; free newspaper; free cribs available: guest storage facilities; valet service: credit cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Discover, Carte Blanche.

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Super 8 Motel
818 IAA Dr. (Veterans Parkway & Vernon Ave.) Bloomington, Illinois 61701 ~ (309) 663-2388
800-843-1991; Fax# (309) 662-3591

62 rooms; restaurants within walking distance; group rates; senior citizen discount: ages 12 and under free; meeting rooms for up to 20; cable- TV; satellite-TV; suites; waterbeds; nonsmoking rooms; handicapped accessible rooms; free coffee; vending machines; free cribs available; credit cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Japanese, Discover.

Super 8 Motel
2 Traders Circle (1-55 & Rt. 51 North) Normal, Illinois 61761 ~ (309) 454-5858
800-843-1991; Fox # (309) 454-1172

52 rooms; restaurants within walking distance: group rates: several-night packages; senior citizen discount; ages 14 and under free; cable-TV; free in-room movies; suites; king-size beds; nonsmoking rooms; handicapped accessible rooms; sauna/whirlpool; free coffee & continental breakfast; vending machines; credit cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Japanese, Discover.

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