Natural Science Spring Colloquia 2003

(4 p.m. - Room C101)


Jan 17: IWU Faculty Colloquium

Dave Bollivar

Title - "Molecular Biology: An Important Toolkit for the Future"


Jan 24: John Kiss ----- Miami University, Ohio

Title: "Space, the final frontier … for root phototropism!"

(Host: Loni Walker, Biology)


Jan 31: John Pryor ----- Illinois State University

Title: "Psychological Reactions to the Stigmatized: A Dual Process Model"

(Host: John Ernst, Psychology)


Feb 7: Jordan Bennett ----- Denison University

Title: "New Methylene Bridge Substituted Calixarenes"

(Host: Becky Roesner, Chemistry)


Feb 14: Kenneth Laws ----- Dickinson College

Title: "The Physics of Dance"

(Host: Jeremiah Williams, Physics)


Feb 21: Alison Sweeney ----- Duke University

Title: "Iridescence and Color:  A Bio-optical Case for Adaptive Speciation in Heliconius Butterflies"

(Host: Susie Balser, Biology)


Feb 28: Christer Aakeroy ----- Kansas State University

Title: "Supramolecular Chemistry:  From Molecular Sociology to Functional Materials"

(Host: Becky Roesner, Chemistry)  --  (not at 4 p.m.)


Mar 7: IWU Faculty Colloquium

Njeri Mbugua

Title - "Things Fall Apart:  AIDS and Inept Adolescent Socialization in Kenya"


Mar 14: Spring Break


Mar 21: Spring Break


Mar 28: Cara Dunne Yates ----- Brandeis University

Title: "Disability Rights and Reproductive Freedom:  A Contradiction or a Workable Concept in Today's World of Genetics?"

(Host: Sonja Fritzsche, MCLL)


Apr 4: Michael Dancs ----- Illinois Wesleyan University

Title: "An Overview of the RSA Cryptosystem"

(Host: Melvyn Jeter, Math/CS)


Apr 11: Joe Mikels ----- University of Michigan

Title: "Hold on to that Feeling: Integrative Studies of Emotion and Memory from a Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective"

(Host: Linda Kunce, Psychology)


Apr 18: Ben Givens ----- Ohio State University

Title: "The Neurobiological Basis for Alcohol's Effects on Attention and Memory"

(Host: Joe Williams, Psychology)