September 6
Prof. Narendra Jaggi
Illinois Wesleyan University
" Physics and Sociology: Revisiting the Celebrated Schelling
Model of Neighborhood Racial Segregation"
(Host: LewDetweiler)
October 4
Dr. Amit Basu
Brown University
"Soaps, Sugars and Skin Cancer"
(Host: Ram Mohan)
November 1
Dr. Ashok Bhatia
Abbott Research Labs
"Drug Discovery to Commercial Reality:A Chemist's Perspective"
(Host: Ram Mohan)
September 13
Prof. Stephen Hoffman
Illinois Wesleyan University
"Binding of Trace Metals to Organic Matter in Rivers"
(Host: Given Harper)
October 11
Prof. David Bollivar
Illinois Wesleyan University
"Genes to Enzymes: Expression and assay of bacterial
pigment biosynthesis
(Host: Bruce Criley)
November 8
Prof. Jacqueline Krim
North Carolina State University
""On the atomic-scale origins of friction: What once was
old is new again"
(Host: Narendra Jaggi)
September 20
IWU Faculty Colloquium
Prof. Paul Bushnell
" The Search for Lane Seminary"
(Host: Janet McNew)
October 18
Fall Break
November 15
IWU Faculty Colloquium
Prof. Charles Springwood
"Choreographing Colonialism, Crafting the Native American:
From Cigar Store Indians to Athletic Totems)
(Host: Janet McNew)
September 27
Kimberly Branshaw
Applied Materials, CA
" State-of-the-art in Semiconductor Manufacturing"
(Host: Narendra Jaggi)
October 25
Natural Science Colloquium to inaugurate Wilma A.
Beckman auditorium
Dr. Jacqueline Barton, Caltech
" DNA: A Different Perspective"
(Host: Minor Myers Jr.)
November 22
Dr. Bruno Pernet
University of Washington
"Annelidology for echinodermatologists: New perspectives
on the evolution of larval feeding in marine invertebrates"
(Host: Will Jaeckle)