JANUARY 25th Large Scale Bioprocessing, Lysine Chromatography Dr. Tom Binder Archer Daniels Midland Host: Becky Roesner FEBRUARY 1st Preferring the Immediate to the Delayed: Issues of Self-Control Dr. Forest Baker Illinois Wesleyan University Host: Narendra Jaggi FEBRUARY 8th Error Detecting/Correcting Codes Dr. Himat Batra Bradley University Host: Susan Anderson-Freed FEBRUARY 15th Colloidal Self-Assembly and Photonic Crystals Dr. Pierre Wiltzius Beckman Institute, UIUC Host: Gabe Spalding FEBRUARY 22nd The Defensive Regulation of Thought, Feeling, & Behavior in Close Relationships: An Attachment Theory Perspective Dr. R. Chris Fraley U of I - Chicago Host: John Ernst MARCH 1st Boron Chemistry and Its Applications to Cancer Treatment Dr. Narayan Hosmane Northern Illinois University Host: Ram Mohan MARCH 15th Electric Power Grid in the Midwest: Will Deregulation Lower Prices? Dr. Tom Overbye University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Host: Bill Yurcik MARCH 29th Mechanisms Underlying Plastic and Population Variation in Reproductive Tactics of Lubber Grasshoppers Dr. John Hatle Illinois State University Host: Susie Balser APRIL 5th Use of Radioactive Isotopes in the Drug Discovery Process Dr. Chad Elmore Merck Chemicals Host: Ram Mohan April 19th Research Conference Colloquia Coordinator Narendra Jaggi njaggi@iwu.edu Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:Spring_2002_Colloquia.doc (WDBN/MSWD) (000415E8) -- Deborah L. Gorden - Secretary Natural Science Division Illinois Wesleyan University P.O. Box 2900 Bloomington, IL 61702-2900 Phone (309) 556-3940 Fax (309) 556-3864