CS 387 - Spring 2025: Schedule

Weekly Schedule

This is a tentative schedule, and it is subject to change.
Refer to Canvas for detailed, up-to-date reading and assignments.

WkDateClass TopicProject
1 01/09 Thu Introduction / Overview
2 01/14 Tue Linear Alegbra, Vectorization
01/16 Thu
3 01/21 Tue Logistic Regression
01/23 Thu
4 01/28 Tue Hyperparameter Tuning
01/30 Thu
5 02/04 Tue Regularization and Normalization
02/06 Thu
6 02/11 Tue Optimization Algorithms
02/13 Thu
7 02/18 Tue Exam 1
02/20 Thu Batch Normalization Project Meetings
8 02/25 Tue PyTorch Project Proposals
02/27 Thu
9 03/04 Tue Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
03/06 Thu
10 03/11 Tue Spring Break
03/13 Thu
11 03/18 Tue Structuring/Implementing DL Projects
03/20 Thu
12 03/25 Tue Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs),
Transformers, & other Sequence Models
Project milestone 1
03/27 Thu
13 04/01 Tue
04/03 Thu
14 04/08 Tue Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
and Diffusion Models
Project milestone 2
04/10 Thu
15 04/15 Tue Exam 2
04/17 Thu Ethics
16 04/22 Tue
04/24 Thu Reading day
04/25 Fri 1:15 - 3:15pm — Final Exam Period