Sentence Boundary Problems
This group of errors is one of the most widespread among student writers,
and it's a problem not only because it's incorrect but also because it
muddies meaning. If prose doesn't have coherent ideas in coherent sentences,
the flow of thought breaks down. Usually we identify three areas of sentence
boundary problems:
Fragments: lack subjects (main nouns) or predicates (main verbs), or may
be a dependent clause which has not been joined to an independent clause.
Comma splices: independent clauses joined with a comma
Fused sentences: independent clauses joined with no punctuation
When checking for fragments, apply these three tests:
Look for a verb. Every sentence must have a main verb.
Look for a subject. Every sentence must have a main subject.
Look for subordinating conjunctions (when, while, because, etc.) or relative
pronouns (who, which, that). Subordinating conjunctions are used to construct
adverbial clauses; relative pronouns are used to construct
adjectival clauses. If you suspect a passage is a fragment, the presence
of these words will likely prove it is.
How to fix fragments:
If the fragment is a dependent clause:
Convert the dependent clause to an independent clause by eliminating subordinating
conjunctions or by substituting the antecendent or personal pronoun for
the relative pronoun.
Even though the president attended the meeting.
Revised: Even
though The president attended the meeting.
While Americans keep recycling the same old cliches.
Revised: While
Americans keep recycling the same old cliches.
Many students, who might read more often.
Revised: Many students who
might read more often.
Revised: Many students
They who might read more often.
If the fragment is a noun phrase (has no main verb) or a verbal phrase
(verbs and associated words not functioning as a main verb):
Revising verbal phrases
Restore the subject, or join the phrase to a complete independent clause.
Crossing out the word very.
Revised: Bob Smith crossing
crossed out the word very.
Revised: Crossing out the
very, Bob Smith edited the magazine article rigorously.
Revising Infinitive phrases functioning as nouns
Rewrite as an independent clause by linking it to a subject and predicate
To delete the word very.
Revised: Johnson prefers
to delete the word very when copyediting.
Revising prepositional phrases functioning as modifiers
Join the prepositonal phrase to an independent clause, usually the sentence
before or after.
With its emphasis on informal communication.
Revised: With its emphasis
on informal communication, email is today's communication media of choice.
Revising absolute phrases modifying an entire sentence
Rewrite the phrase as a complete sentence, or join it as a modifier
to an independent clause.
The need for unhindered movement being a defining quality of the American
Revised: The need for unhindered
movement being is a defining quality of the American character.
Revised: Automobile culture
first arose in the U.S., the need for unhindered movement being a defining
quality of the American character.
Revising appositive phrases
Rewrite as a complete sentence or insert into another independent clause,
modifying the proper noun.
A tendency to drive first and think about the environment later.
Revised: Americans have
a tendency to drive first and think about the environment later.
Revised: Jon Adams, DOT
director, says that Americans suffer from "auto-egotism," a tendency to
drive first and think about the environment later.
Revising separated compound predicates.
Compound predicates are two main verbs (with connected words) linked
with a coordinating conjunction like and or but.When one
half of this construction is separated with a period, it becomes a fragment.
To correct it, either give the fragment its own subject, or rejoin the
two halves.
The process of maturation is lifelong. But is most critical during adolescence.
Revised: The process of
maturation is lifelong. But this process is most critical during adolescence.
Revised: The process of
maturation is lifelong but is most critical during adolescence.
Comma splices are simply joining two independent
clauses with commas; fused sentences do the same thing without punctuation.
How to identify comma splices and fused
Look for sentences which explain, expand an idea,
or link an example to an idea. Often these are fused.
Using pronouns like he, she, they, it, this, or that
in the same sentence as the antecedent usually signals a fused sentence
or comma splice.
Look for conjunctive adverbs (however, furthermore,
thus, therefore, etc.) and transitional expressions (for example, on the
other hand) often signal fused sentences or comma splices
Strategies for fixing comma splices
and fused sentences:
Link by combining sentences
Example: Winston Churchill became a leader he served his country
well in WWI he was a leader of distinction.
Winston Churchill became a leader of distinction. He served his country
well in WWI.
Link by adding a conjunction
Example: Winston Churchill became a leader he served his country
well in WWI he was a leader of distinction.
Winston Churchill served his country well in WWI, and he became a leader
of distinction.
Link by using a semicolon
Example: Winston Churchill became a leader he served his country
well in WWI he was a leader of distinction.
Revised: Winston
Churchill served his country well in WWI; he became a leader of distinction.
Link by using a subordinating conjunction (where,
while, when, because)
Example: Winston Churchill became a leader he served his country
well in WWI he was a leader of distinction.
Revised: After
serving his country well in WWI, Winston Churchill became a leader of distinction.
Identify which of the following numbered passages
are fragments, and fix them if they are.
Children receive conflicting messages from a variety
of sources.
Which cannot be silenced: teachers, books, friends,
and television programs.We have, from time to time, experimented in this
country with limited access to potentially damaging or offensive materials
such as books and movies.
But these experiments have not withstood legal challenges.
The courts have decided that Americans have the right
to choose what they see or hear and that writers and others have the right
to create what they wish.
Although, certain extreme circumstances, like
child pornography, are so offensive and damaging to the children being
filmed that as a society we have said that such products are repugnant.
Which is the argument that Charren is making about
advertisements directed at children.
But as a society having agreed to limit speech only
in the most extreme cases.
There is nothing in the making of advertisements
that is as purposefully vulgar or harmful as there is in child pornography.
If anything, advertising more closely resembling
the language of our everyday speech.
Identify fragments in the following passage. Combine
them to make complete sentences.
While only eight microbreweries existed
in the United States a decade ago. Today seventy microbreweries are brewing
more than 65,000 barrels of specialty beers a year. Microbreweries are
winning awards for the tastiness of their products. Which has caused the
large producers to alter their production and advertising techniques. Because
microbrewery beer is often free of additives. It must be sold locally.
Local production, distribution, and advertisting has become a key to microbrewery
success. Which depends on creating the perception among buyers of a freshness
and healthfulness not available in mass-market beers. Even though image
is important. Quality of the product is what has convinced an increasing
number of American beer drinkers to buy from local, smaller breweries.
Use a slash to indicate where the following passages
are fused sentences:
Advertisements for aspirin and other pain relievers
are incredibly dull they are so like one another so unmemorable that we
remember them only because of their sheer frequency.
Unlike most other advertising pain reliever commercials
are very modest in their claims in other words they promise only partial
relief from minor aches and only relatively quickly.
One would expect that such commercials would press
harder to represent both the intensity of the pain as well as the joy of
relief however these advertisements never suggest that the sufferer was
ever in acute pain or that the sufferer's relief is now total.
Oddly enough, ads for pain relievers claim very little,
they are undramatic, uninteresting.
The advertisements that physicians and surgeons see
in their professional journals do attempt to represent acute pain, the
difference may be attributable to the fact that the audience in this case
(doctors) is not experiencing pain itself, but rather is treating pain.
Correct the fused sentences and comma splices
in the following passage, using any of the techniques discussed. Think
about sentence variety too.
Whatevery they may believe about what
happens to the soul after death most cultures bury their dead. Given the
grim fact of history that corpses can sometimes pile up at an alarming
rate, it has not always been easy for managers of cemeteries, in a way
cemetery palnning is much like urban planning. Streets have to be mapped
out and plots need to be sold, often, above-ground structures--mausoleums--have
to be designed and executed. A chapel of some sort is usually called for--decorated
Gothic or vertical Gothic, above all the cemetery must be landscaped in
such a way as to afford comfort to the mourners.