
Our founder Frank Reed Horton

Frank Reed Horton served in World War I and in his experience saw a need for order and dicipline in the youth. He was introduced to the Scout Oath and Law, finding the guiding light he sought. In 1925, he started Alpha Phi Omega at Lafayette College. Since then, it has grown to over 360 active chapters and more than 367,000 members.
Our chapter, Omega Epsilon, was founded in 1976. This was the same year women were first allowed into Alpha Phi Omega. Since then, our chapter has grown to include over one hundred members.


Alpha Phi Omega
Omega Epsilon Chapter By-Laws
As of November 2011

We, the members of the Omega Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega, National Service Fraternity, chartered April 30, 1976, on the campus of Illinois Wesleyan University, and established for the purpose of assembling college students in a fellowship of interaction and respect according to high-minded principles, including those embodied in the Scout Oath and Law of the Boy Scouts of America; to develop leadership; to promote friendship; and to provide service to humanity, community and our school; and to promote the freedom that is our national, and intellectual heritage, do adopt these chapter By-Laws.

Article I
Name and Affiliations

Section 1.1: Name.
The name of this organization shall be the Omega Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega as deemed by the National Service Fraternity in accordance with the 1976 charter.

Article II
Section 2.1: Policy.
This chapter shall be conducted as a fraternity dedicated to service, leadership, and friendship under the policies, principles, and provisions set forth in the National Articles of Incorporation, National By-Laws, and the Standard Chapter Articles of Association of Alpha Phi Omega, including the optional sections, Alpha Phi Omega Risk Management Policy, Omega Epsilon Chapter By-Laws, and Robert's Rules of Order, in that order of authority.

Section 2.2: Omega Epsilon Policy.
In addition to the national policies of risk management, the chapter is to be regulated by the guidelines outlined in the Omega Epsilon Risk Management Policy.

Article III

Section 3.1: Open Membership. Membership in this chapter of Alpha Phi Omega shall be open to all students of Illinois Wesleyan University regardless of race, creed, color, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or other fraternity or sorority affiliation. Membership in this chapter shall be granted only after the applicant has fulfilled the requirements set forth by the Pledge Program as outlined in Addendum A.

Section 3.2: Transfer Membership. Any active or associate member of any other chapter of Alpha Phi Omega shall be admitted as a member of Omega Epsilon Chapter upon the transfer of their institutional enrollment, provided that they complete the necessary forms, and see that these forms are forwarded to the national office.

Section 3.3: Pledges. A Pledge shall be one participating in a program designed to familiarize the pledge with the spirit of Alpha Phi Omega and its principles.

Section 3.4: Neophyte. A Neophyte shall be a pledge who has been approved for activation and who has paid all pledge fees and passes a final exam with a percentage as determined in the proposed pledge program at the beginning of the semester. This status shall be applicable at least one (1) week prior to the Initiation Ceremony.

Section 3.5: Active Membership. An Active Member shall:
  1. be a student of Illinois Wesleyan University;
  2. have completed a period of pledgeship including participation in the Initiation Ceremony;
  3. have paid all dues and fees specified by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members whom otherwise fill these requirements;
  4. have fulfilled a service requirement--this shall be twenty (20) hours in all four fields of service, with three of the hours being fundraising hours completed with the purpose of raising funds specifically for the Omega Epsilon chapter of Alpha Phi Omega. No less than one hour will be accepted to fill each field. In the event that an adequate amount of service hours are not offered, then the total required number of hours an active must fulfill will be two-thirds (2/3) of the total offered hours;
    1. All Brothers will receive four (4) fraternity hours for attending chapter business meetings and one pledge meeting. Brothers will be allowed two (2) absences, excused or unexcused, from chapter business meetings. After two (2) absences, excused or unexcused, a brother will lose one half (1/2) hour for each missed business meeting. In the event that a brother fails to a) attend a pledge meeting; or b) attend a required meeting without notifying the VP Membership, the brother will lose two (2) of the allotted hours. In the case that the penalties exceed the amount of hours given, the brother will be given zero (0) hours attendance.
    2. The maximum number of personal service hours counted towards the 20 hour service requirement for an active member is 5, or 1/4 of the total number of hours.
    3. All Brothers are required to attend service events to which they have committed themselves. If for any reason, they do not attend said events they must notify the VP of Service or project chair at least 24 hours before the event. In the case that a substitute is obtained, the VP of Service or project chair must be notified before the event. If a Brother fails to do this, then the Brother will be docked half the project's total length. This will be docked from total semester hours. Unusual circumstances will be dealt with at the discretion of the VP of Service.
  5. have completed any additional requirements set at the beginning of each semester by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members;
  6. participate in three (3) hours of chapter activities that promote the spirit of fellowship and brotherhood. A minimum of two (2) activities is required. The time taken to travel to off-campus activities will count towards the three hours. Said activities will be at the discretion of the Executive Board. All Brothers are required to attend fellowship events to which he/she has committed him/herself. If for any reason, he/she does not attend said events they must notify the VP of Fellowship at least 24 hours before the event. If the fraternity has paid money for the fellowship then the brother must compensate the Fraternity the amount of money he/she would have used (e.g. if 10 people are signed up for an event that cost $100 dollars, then whoever does not show up would have to pay $10) . Unusual circumstances will be dealt with at the discretion of the VP of Fellowship.
  7. be a member of at least one (1) committee. 1) Members of the Executive Board are not required to be a member of a committee unless they are the chairperson of a committee.
  8. complete leadership requirements equivalent to six (6) points. Point value of specific positions and events shall be determined each semester by the executive board.
Section 3.6: Registration of Pledges and Actives.
  1. The Executive Board shall ensure that all pledge applications and the required national pledge fees are mailed to the national office not later than ten (10) days after the pledge ceremony.
  2. The Executive Board shall also make certain that all applications for active membership and national active initiation fees are mailed to the national office no later than ten (10) days after the initiation ceremony.
  3. Any initiation not followed by registration of the pledges or actives with the national office shall be considered null and void.
Section 3.7: Associate Membership.
Associate membership may be conferred on any active member who is unable to participate fully in chapter affairs, but wishes to remain associated with the chapter. That member must petition the chapter in writing his or her desired status and general reasons surrounding the change. The petition must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active body. All associate members are responsible to pay dues. An associate must complete at least four (4) hours of service from any combination of fields. Of these hours, a maximum of one hour may be granted from attending meetings if the associate attends at least one-quarter (¼) of the total number of meetings in the semester. Associate members would also have to be involved in at least one (1) fellowship activity. A Brother may not become an associate member until after one full semester as an active. Associates may remain at this status for a maximum of two (2) semesters total; following which he or she must either reactivate or become a member in bad standing (see Section 3.8). Associate status may not be given to a Brother for two consecutive semesters. Under extenuating circumstances, a member may petition the executive board for continued associate status. This will then be brought before the chapter for approval. When a brother is not studying on campus (e.g. studying abroad or off campus; taking a semester leave of absence from the University; or student teaching), his/her status is automatically changed to associate, and this individual is exempt from paying dues, fellowship requirement and service hours.

Section 3.8: Members in Bad Standing.
A Member in Bad Standing shall be defined as one who fails to complete ONE of the following:
  1. has not fulfilled the service requirement as specified in Section 3.5;
  2. has not fulfilled the financial requirement as specified in Section 3.5;
  3. has not fulfilled the fellowship requirement as specified in Section 3.5;
  4. has not fulfilled the committee requirement as specified in Section 3.5;
  5. has not fulfilled any additional requirement set at the beginning of the semester as specified in Section 3.5.
Bad Standing will be applied retroactively to the semester where a member does not meet ONE of the above requirements. It will be applied at the beginning of the semester following the member's failure to meet a requirement (but will be applied to the previous semester). The member will be in good standing for the current semester. The VP of Membership will notify the member that they have received a status of bad standing for their previous semester. The VP of membership will keep a record of each member's status of each semester for the entirety of their duration as a member in APO.

If a member receives more than one semester in bad standing, they will automatically receive inactive status.
A member may not receive a Bad Standing designation for their final semester before graduating (they will not receive cords as a result).
In order to be eligible for Associate status, a member must have been in good standing for the previous semester that they were active.

To revoke the semester of bad standing a member must do one or more of the following in the field they failed to complete during the semester of bad standing:
  1. Service requirement as specified in Section 3.5: He/she will complete the hours in the current semester in addition to the service requirement as specified in Section 3.5;
  2. Financial requirement as specified in Section 3.5: He/she will be responsible for any fines/fees not paid in full the semester of bad standing as specified in Section 3.5;
  3. Fellowship requirement as specified in Section 3.5: He/she will complete the fellowship hours in addition to the fellowship requirement's as specified in Section 3.5;
  4. Committee requirement as specified in Section 3.5: He/she will be responsible for actively contributing to the same committee he/she was on the semester of bad standing in addition to meeting the committee requirement as specified in Section 3.5 of the present semester;
  5. Any additional requirement set at the beginning of the semester as specified in Section 3.5: He/she will be responsible for completing said requirement during the present semester.
The brother who completes these requirements as stated above will have their status of bad standing on the previous semester removed.

Note: this may only occur once. The VP of Membership will keep a record of when any member removes their bad standing.

Section 3.9: Inactive Membership. An inactive member is one who no longer retains the rights and privileges of an active member of this chapter. The member will be notified, in written form, of the violations and be given one (1) semester in which to fulfill all of the requirements as specified in Section 3.5.

A member will be considered inactive if:
  1. the member wishes to end his or her involvement with the chapter. A letter of intent must be submitted to the executive board;
  2. the member remains a member in bad standing for two or more semesters;
  3. the member does not fulfill at least two of the active requirements as specified in Section 3.5;
  4. the member intentionally breaks any of the policies, principles, purposes, or ideals of the fraternity or chapter as outlined in Article II;
  5. the member disgraces the chapter, whose actions bring sanctions by the National Fraternity against the chapter.
An inactive member will be returned to active status provided:
  1. they have fulfilled all of the active requirements as specified in Section 3.5 for a semester;
  2. the executive board reviews the case with at least one (1) advisor and the majority decision is that the individual be reinstated;
  3. having met the previous condition, the majority of the voting membership of the chapter vote in favor of returning the individual to active membership.
An inactive member will be dropped from the membership in the chapter if not reinstated. The person will not retain any rights or privileges of the chapter. The individual will not be erased from the historical records of the chapter. The VP of membership will keep a record of each inactive member.

Section 3.10: Alumnus/Alumna Membership.
An alumnus member shall be a former active who no longer attends Illinois Wesleyan University. Alumnus/Alumna members shall have all the rights and privileges of active membership except those of voting and holding office.

Section 3.11: Advisory Committee Membership.
An advisory committee member shall:
  1. be a responsible member of the community interested in the welfare of the chapter and from whom the chapter may readily receive help and advice, and who has been approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote;
  2. serve a one year term, with the option of reappointment by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active body at the time of officer changeover.
*Any active member proposing a new advisor should consult the opinion of the Executive Board and the chapter (in that order) and gain its approval before approaching the prospective advisor.

Section 3.12: Honorary Membership.
Honorary membership may be conferred upon any persons who have contributed significantly to the ideals and purposes of Alpha Phi Omega. Persons so honored shall have all rights and privileges of active membership except those of voting or holding office. Honorary chapter membership may not be bestowed on undergraduate students. The approval by a vote of at least three-fourths (3/4) of this chapters membership shall be required for the conferring of honorary chapter membership.

Section 3.13 Chapter Dues
Active and pledge dues shall be set by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the executive board at the beginning of each semester.

Section 3.14: Expenditures.
All expenditures must be approved by the executive board, followed by a majority vote of the active chapter, before any amount of money over $15.00 is to be spent for chapter functions and service projects. The executive board may approve any expenditure under the amount of $15.00 without the consent of the chapter.

Section 3.15: Objection to Executive Action.
All executive board actions or decisions may be overruled by a majority vote of the active body.

Section 3.16: Emergency Reduced Status.
A member may apply for Emergency Reduced Status if a personal emergency occurs. Examples of this include:
Death of a family member
Loss of limb and/or limb function
Other extreme circumstances
This can be obtained by approval of the exec board, and then must be obtained through a majority vote of the general chapter. This shall typically be requested and approved at the end of the semester.

Article IV.

Section 4.1: Installation of Officers.
An installation of offices shall be conducted by the chairman of the advisory committee or, if necessary, the Sergeant-at-Arms, at the beginning of each term.

Section 4.2: Approval of Appointed Officers.
All appointed officers must be approved by a majority vote of the chapter before assuming the duties of the office for which they were appointed.

Section 4.3: Training of Officers.
Each and every officer shall be responsible for the training of their immediate successors; however, at least one executive board meeting must be held with the old executive board and the new officers to familiarize the newly elected board with roles and responsibilities. At this time, all materials associated with each position shall change hands.

Section 4.4: Term of Office.
The term of office for each elected official shall be one (1) semester in duration.
No person shall hold the office of chapter president for more than four (4) terms.

Section 4.5: Officer Hours.
An officer of this chapter shall receive service hours each semester that he/she holds an office. The hours shall be considered service to the fraternity in recognition of the time an officer dedicates to the chapter by carrying out the duties of his or her office. Elected officers shall receive three (3) hours each semester. Hours may be withheld at the discretion of the general membership of the chapter. Appointed officers shall receive one (1) hour, except webmaster, and alumni chair, who shall receive two (2).Chaplain shall receive one half hour (½). Hours may be withheld at the discretion of the executive board.

Section 4.6: Officer Reports.
Every elected officer shall, at the end of each term prepare a written report summarizing the accomplishments of the chapter in their area during their term and containing suggestions for their successors. These reports shall be filed with the Secretary and a copy shall be kept with materials pertaining to that office.

Section 4.7: Offices Exclusive.
No officer shall hold more than one elected office at any time.

Section 4.8: Impeachment.
Any officer may be impeached by a petition calling for their removal signed by one-third (1/3) of the actives and submitted at a meeting of the active body. After two (2) weeks, a fair chance to defend him/herself before the chapter, and approval of the petition by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, that officer shall be removed from office. A special election shall then be held to elect a replacement at the next business meeting.

Section 4.9: Resignation.
Upon receiving the written letter of resignation of any elected office, a special election shall be held at the next business meeting to elect a replacement.

Section 4.10: Time of Elections.
Elections of officers for the following semester must be held near the end of each term, at least 2 weeks prior to the end of the semester.

Section 4.11: Officer and Voting Eligibility.
Only members who have achieved active status or a neophyte status are eligible to vote or be a candidate for any office with the exception that only an advisory committee member is eligible to hold the office or Advisory Committee Chairman. An associate member may vote in officer elections if he or she has expressed (in writing) intent to reactivate the following semester.

Section 4.12: President's Vote.
The President shall only vote in an election when needed to break a tie.

Section 4.13: Proxy Votes (Ballots).
  1. Proxy votes shall be accepted only from those members having a valid reason for absence from the meeting and who have consulted the President prior to the beginning of the meeting;
  2. Proxy votes shall be accepted for any votes pertaining to:
    1. election of officers;
    2. approval of pledges;
    3. approval of advisors and honorary members,
    4. amendments to the By-Laws
  3. Proxy votes must be submitted in writing to the President prior to the beginning of the meeting and then will be handed to the custody of the Sergeant-at-Arms. The ballot shall be identified by name only until the results of the vote become public. A secret proxy vote shall not be revealed.
Section 4.14: Number of Votes Required.
A majority of the votes cast is needed for a candidate's election. In the event that no candidate receives a majority, a runoff election will be held between the two (2) leading candidates. Only the votes of members cast at the meeting will be held valid in the run-off election.

Section 4.15: Officer Requirements.
  1. The position of President shall require one semester of previous executive board experience.
  2. Executive board positions are to be held by one person at a time.
  3. The position of Pledge Educator shall require one semester of active membership in Alpha Phi Omega prior to election.

Article V

Section 5.1: Time.
A business meeting of the active body shall be held at least once every two (2) weeks during the spring and fall semesters when classes are in session.

Section 5.2: Open Meetings.
All active business meetings shall be open to the public unless otherwise designated by a majority vote. All meetings shall be open at all times to all actives, associate members, advisors, alumni, honorary members, and neophytes.

Section 5.3: Quorum.
A quorum shall consist of more than one-half (1/2) of the active membership

Section 5.4: Vote.
A vote, as referred to in these by-laws, shall be a consensus taken of those actives and neophytes present at any legally called meeting at which a quorum prevails or a consensus taken in any manner as approved in advance by a two-thirds (2/3) vote. Abstentions are not counted towards the total.

Section 5.5: Special Meetings.
A special meeting of the active body may be called at any time by the executive board provided that adequate notice is given to the active membership prior to the time of such meetings.

Article VI
Executive Board

Section 6.1: President.
The President shall:
  1. call and reside over all meetings of the active body and the executive board;
  2. see that the duties and obligations of the fraternity are met;
  3. enforce all regulating rules and guidelines as stated in Article 11 Section 2.1 in a manner consistent with the spirit of Alpha Phi Omega;
  4. appoint the Historian, Public Relation Chairman, Sectional Advisory Chairman, Chapter Relations Chairman, Chaplain, Webmaster, Scouting Liaison, and Alumni Chairman, upon approval of the chapter;
  5. try his/her best to ensure that the duties of all officers are met either by acting him/herself or by appointing an active to temporarily fulfill the duties of the absent officer;
  6. advise and assist all officers in the performance of their duties as necessary and to the best of his/her ability;
  7. exercise one-vote at all sectional, regional, and national conventions or appoint a replacement to fulfill this duty.
  8. represent the chapter at all sectional, regional, and national conferences, or find a replacement for this duty;
  9. give a written report and inform the chapter of all sectional, regional, and national activities which pertain to the chapter.
Section 6.2: Vice-President of Community Service
The Vice President of Community Service shall:
  1. arrange and promote all community based service projects for the active body and shall encourage members to attend;
  2. appoint an Assistant Service Chairman and any other members necessary to assist in their responsibilities as needed -- this committee shall be called the Community Service Committee, within which the Vice-President of Service shall chair;
  3. act for the President in their responsibilities as needed;
  4. maintain a summary of all chapter projects and project contacts;
  5. present a project proposal for each activity to the Executive Board for any necessary discussion,
  6. provide or organize at least two (2) service projects a month and keep track of the total service hours they make available throughout the semester.
Section 6.3: Vice-President of Campus, National, and Fraternity (CNF) Service
The Vice-President of CNF Service shall:
  1. arrange and promote all fraternity, campus or national based service projects for the active body and shall encourage members to attend;
  2. appoint an Assistant Service Chairman and any other members necessary to assist in their responsibilities as needed -- this committee shall be called the FCN Service Committee, within which the Vice-President of Service shall chair;
  3. maintain a summary of all chapter projects and project contacts;
  4. present a project proposal for each activity to the Executive Board for any necessary discussion,
  5. provide or organize at least two (2) service projects a month and keep track of the total service hours they make available throughout the semester.
Section 6.4: Vice-President of Membership.
The Vice-President of Membership shall:
  1. appoint an Assistant Membership Chairman, and any other members necessary to assist in their responsibilities -- this committee shall be called the Membership Committee and within which, the Vice-President of Membership shall chair;
  2. be responsible for keeping an account of service project and business meeting attendance for the purpose of determining active voting rights/ as well as up-to-date calling lists of all actives and pledges;
  3. present a proposed program of active membership retention as needed;
  4. notify all Members in Bad Standing and Inactive Members of their violations.
Section 6.5: Vice-President of Pledge Education
The Vice-President of Pledge Education shall:
  1. obtain a meeting place for pledge meetings;
  2. submit a pledge program for approval by a two-thirds (2/3) vote at the beginning of each semester, and define activities eligible for the pledge service requirement, upon approval by a two-thirds (2/3) vote;
  3. supervise the pledge program throughout the semester;
  4. organize initiation and activation ceremonies;
  5. encourage and inform the active members to perform their responsibilities concerning pledges;
  6. regularly inform the chapter of the progress of the pledge program;
  7. appoint an assistant pledge educator;
  8. assign pledge parents to all pledges with the help and consultation of the Membership Committee;
  9. be responsible for keeping and maintaining pledging materials, including pledge pins, and being responsible for collecting the appropriate fees if the pledge pins are not returned at the end of the pledge period.
  10. organize an effective rush program at the beginning of each semester in conjunction with the Vice President of Membership.
Section 6.6: Vice President of Fellowship
The Vice President of Fellowship shall:
  1. plan and coordinate all chapter social activities with the assistance of the Fellowship Committee, from within which the Vice President of Fellowship Activities shall chair;
  2. consult the chapter and appropriate funds before any activities if necessary; organize at least two (2) socials per month as well as organize an annual Spring Formal
Section 6.7: Secretary.
The Secretary shall:
  1. maintain an up-to-date minutes book, containing the minutes of all active business meetings and executive board meetings, copies of received and sent correspondence, and current Torch and Trefoils;
  2. hold correspondence when requested by the chapter;
  3. obtain a meeting place at some convenient location for the actives meetings;
  4. if necessary, appoint an Assistant Correspondence Secretary to assist in their responsibilities;
  5. be responsible for distribution of minutes to actives and advisors;
  6. be responsible for correspondence, written and spoken, to keep Advisory Committee up-to-date on chapter happenings.
Section 6.8: Sergeant-at-Arms.
The Sergeant-at-Arms shall:
  1. guard the door against nonmembers at special meetings;
  2. carry out all disciplinary and parliamentary procedures deemed necessary by the chapter or presiding officer;
  3. diligently consider all parliamentary questions and advise the President and chapter on any such questions;
  4. supervise chapter elections or appoint some member to supervise the election in the event that he/she cannot;
  5. inform each officer and the chapter of their constitutional responsibilities at the beginning of each semester;
  6. be responsible for keeping and maintaining all ritual materials; if necessary, form and chair the by-law Committee to discuss and make appropriate changes to the by-laws.
  7. be the primary writer of the chapter supplement pledge manual.
Section 6.9: Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall:
  1. collect all dues and fees from chapter members and keep a record thereof;
  2. transmit all fees and any accompanying necessary forms to the national office;
  3. promptly pay all authorized bills incurred by the chapter and promptly make all other authorized payments;
  4. work in accordance with the regulations of Illinois Wesleyan University;
  5. be responsible for a report at every business meeting of the active body on the financial condition of the chapter;
  6. apply for nonprofit organization status with the Internal Revenue Service at the beginning of each calendar year;
  7. chair the Fundraising Committee, and organize enough projects to profit $300.00 per semester.
Section 6.10: Executive Board Membership and Voting Rights.
The executive board shall consist of all elected officers and the Chairman of the Advisory Committee. Only each elected officer present has the power to vote.

Section 6.11: Quorum of the Executive Board.
A quorum of the executive board shall consist of more than one-half (1/2) of the voting officers.

Section 6.12: Meetings of the Executive Board.
Meetings of the executive board shall be called by the President or by the Advisory Committee Chairman. Executive board meetings shall be chaired by the President.

Section 6.13: Duties of the Executive Board.
  1. act in matters that time will not allow the active body to handle;
  2. coordinate chapter events;
  3. analyze any problem or issue before the chapter pertaining to program or administration and suggest a solution to the chapter;
  4. propose a semester budget to the active body at the beginning of each semester;
  5. formulate an agenda for the business meetings of the active body;
  6. report to the active body all actions taken;
  7. by a majority vote on project proposals, designate eligible service hours that will count towards the total service hours used in defining active members service requirements for the semester;
  8. perform any other necessary duty as directed by the active body.
  9. by majority vote, decide who will be voting the delegates at regional, sectional, or national conferences, besides Chapter Liaison.

Article VII
Appointed Officers

Section 7.1: Assistant Service Chairmen.
The Assistant Service Chairmen shall:
  1. assist the Vice-Presidents of Service in any way needed to develop a successful service program for the chapter;
  2. act for their Vice-President of Service in the event of their absence, with the exception that this person shall not act for the President if the President is also absent;
  3. assume all of the duties of the office of their Vice-President of Service when the office of their Vice President of Service is vacated except for acting for the President in the President's absence, until such time as a special election can be held to fill the vacancy.
Section 7.2: Assistant Membership Chairman.
The Assistant Membership Chairman shall:
  1. assist the Vice-President of Membership in any way needed to develop a successful membership program for the chapter;
  2. act for the Vice-President of Membership in the Vice-President of Membership's absence;
  3. assume all of the duties of the office of Vice-President of Membership when the office of Vice-President of Membership is vacated, until such time as a special election can be held to fill the vacancy.
Section 7.3: Chaplain.
The Chaplain is to provide appropriate prayers at appropriate chapter functions and religious or moral counsel for the fraternity. The Chaplain shall also be involved in the Membership Committee and work with the Vice-President of Membership on issues pertaining to brotherhood in the chapter. Section 7.4: Historian.
The Historian shall:
  1. prepare a detailed history of the chapter for the semester which includes a list of officers, an account of fellowship activities, a summary of service projects, and an account of humorous happenings, photographs and newspaper clippings relating to activities of the chapter during the semester. This information is to be added to the Chapter Scrapbook;
  2. promote and preserve chapter customs and traditions.
Section 7.5: Alumni Chairman.
The Alumni Chairman shall:
  1. maintain a permanent file of alumni names and addresses;
  2. coordinate alumni gatherings and serve as a member on all committees concerning alumni;
  3. appoint any member or committee to assist them in any way deemed necessary.
  4. submit an updated list of Actives to the Alumni Office of Illinois Wesleyan University every spring, including all new members and those who have resigned;
  5. inform the Alumni office of any alumni who wish to discontinue their contact with this chapter.
  6. shall be a member of the publicity committee and assist in coordinating publicity or events dealing with alumni
  7. Create a newsletter for alumni that outlines the events and large projects of the chapter
Section 7.6: Webmaster.
Prerequisite: It is recommended that the webmaster have prior experience writing web pages (knowledge of HTML is helpful).
The webmaster shall:
  1. be responsible for maintaining, upgrading, and adding to the chapter's website, including the home page, in order to keep the chapter's website competitively up-to-date; 
  2. post and update a roster of current chapter members, a calendar of committee meetings and chapter events, a message board where members can post and reply to messages, a news/special announcements page where important information can be posted, a pledge section devoted to the pledge program, an alumni section devoted to alumni of the chapter, an elected and appointed position section listing the current officials, a by-law section posting the current by-laws of our chapter, a history section covering the history of our fraternity and our chapter, and a links section to the national home page and other pertinent websites. 
  3. this officer may be selected from the chapter or the community. If the webmaster is not a member of the chapter, the chapter may give a monetary compensation to be set at the beginning of each semester. If a chapter member takes the position of webmaster, they can either receive an hour or the set monetary compensation for their services.
Section 7.7: Assistant Pledge Educator
The Assistant Pledge Educator shall:
  1. assist the Vice-President of Pledge Education anyway needed to develop a successful pledge program for the chapter;
  2. act for the Vice-President of Pledge Education in the Vice President of Pledge Education's absence;
  3. assume all duties of the office of Vice President of Pledge Education when the office of Vice President of Pledge Education is vacated, until such time as a special election can be held to fill the vacancy.
Section 7.8: Leadership Chairman
The Leadership Chairman shall:
  1. be responsible for planning and promoting at least one leadership development activity per semester for the benefit of the chapter;
  2. inform Brothers of upcoming sectional, regional, and national conferences, and coordinate attendance, registration, and arrangements for such events.
Section 7.9: Student Senate Liaison
The Student Senate Liaison shall:
  1. Attend all senate meetings or find a suitable replacement;
  2. Report to the chapter all relevant information from student senate;

Article VIII

Section 8.1: Advisory Committee.
The Advisory Committee shall consist of one or more Scouting and Youth Services Advisors, one (1) or more community advisors, two (2) or more advisors from the faculty or administration at Illinois Wesleyan University, and any other advisors which the chapter deems necessary. The members of the chapter shall vote to re-approve all members of the advisory committee at the beginning of the spring semester. All advisors shall be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active members. The advisory committee shall be led by the advisory chair. Any advisory committee member wishing to serve as the advisory chair will express their interest to the chapter and will be selected by a majority vote of the active members. The advisory committee shall convene monthly amongst themselves, have monthly meetings with the executive board, and attend one active member meeting each month.

Section 8.2: Standing Committees.
The following committees shall be the only standing committees: Advisory Committee, By-Laws Committee, Membership Committee, Service Committee, Fundraising Committee, and Fellowship Committee, Publicity Committee, and Rush Committee. All other committees shall dissolve at the time of officer change over if not re-appointed by the new executive board at the beginning of its term.

Section 8.3: Committee Requirements.
Attendance and committee requirements will be set by the respective committee chair. If any requirements are not met, the individual will not have fulfilled their committee requirement and will be eligible for bad standing.
  1. Associate members may receive one fraternity hour for fulfilling a committee requirement.
  2. The committee chair has the ability to set different requirements for Active and Associate members, though are not required to do so.
  3. Appointed positions shall not have to serve on a committee unless their position requires it, or they are the Chaplain.

Article IX
Parliamentary Authority

Section 9.1: Rules of Order.
"Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised" shall govern the fraternity in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these by-laws.

Section 9.2: Special Rules of Order.
A special rule of order not inconsistent with these by-laws, interpretations of "Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised," interpretations of any special rules and whether any chapter action violates these By-Laws and rules shall be determined by the chair. The chairs decision may by appealed by any active and will be overturned only by a majority vote.

Article X
Chapter Awards

Section 10.1: Name of Spring Pledge Class.
The spring pledge class may be dedicated to any individual or group of individuals by naming the pledge class after that individual or group of individuals. This award must be approved by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the entire voting membership of this chapter.

Section 10.2: Chapter Distinguished Service Certificate.
This award will be given for exceptional service to the chapter, college, community, and/or nation. Any brother in good standing becomes eligible for this award during their second full semester as an active member. Advisors and honorary members are also eligible. A maximum of 10 certificates will be given each semester. Eligible brothers will be nominated each semester and must be approved by a one half (1/2) vote of the entire voting membership of this chapter. In the event that more than 10 brothers receive more than half of the vote, the brothers with the most votes will receive the award. Eligible voting status will be determined through Article III, Section 3.5 of the by-laws.

Section 10.3: Chapter Distinguished Service Key.
This prestigious award will be given to any advisor, senior, or honorary member of Alpha Phi Omega who is in good standing, has gone above and beyond the normal requirements of service to the chapter, and exemplifies the three Cardinal principles to the highest degree. This award shall be given to one (1) individual each semester. Eligible brothers will be nominated each semester and must be approved by a four-fifths (4/5) vote of the entire voting membership of the chapter. If more than one person gets more than 4/5 approval, the member with the most votes will receive the award. In the event of a tie, the top two candidates will appear on a second ballot and the candidate with the majority of the votes will win. Eligible voting status will be determined through Article III, Section 3.5 of the by-laws.

Section 10.4: Secret Vote.
All chapter award votes shall be secret votes.

Section 10.5: Other Awards.
The chapter may establish other awards when the need arises.

Section 10.6: Graduation Cords
The chapter will provide graduation cords only to graduating seniors who are in good standing during the semester in which they graduate. The vice president of membership will be responsible for distributing the cords by the end of the semester.

Article XI

Section 11.1: By-Laws Amendments.
  1. All amendments to these by-laws which require a change in syntax (i.e. any amendment which changes the meaning of the by-laws as they currently stand) must be submitted in writing and verbally announced at an active business meeting one (1) weeks prior to any vote taken on such amendment. Such amendment shall become effective upon approval by a two-thirds (2/3) vote unless specified in the motion.
  2. However, those that merely change the wording of by-laws, but not the current meaning, must be submitted to the chapter (via the listserv and the website) two weeks prior to the change. This two week period shall be extended to two months if said proposal is made while school is not in session. Any member who fails to see the necessity of the change, or sees that the change would alter the meaning the meaning has the responsibility to notify any Executive Board member prior to the end of the two week period. If no notice is given to the Executive Board, the change in wording shall be considered ratified by the chapter and the by-laws will be thusly change. If notice is given, the process of changing the wording must follow those processes henceforth stated in 11.1A.
  3. Addendum A (Present Pledge Program Outline) shall be up-dated with the current Pledge Program as proposed by the Vice-President of Membership at the beginning of every year and as accepted by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active body. The Secretary shall keep a copy of out-dated pledge programs for future reference.
Section 11.2: Replacement of the Old By-Laws.
These By-Laws shall replace all previous by-laws and rules which may have been passed prior to the ratification of these by-laws.

Section 11.3: Ratification.
These by-laws shall become official at such time that they are ratified by a two-thirds (2/3) vote.

Article XII
History of Omega Epsilon By-Laws

Section 12.1: Past Ratifications or Amendments to the By-Laws.
  1. originally drafted and ratified of 1976;
  2. revised and ratified in April of 1992;
    1. Addendum A: Pledge Program and Requirements;
    2. Addendum A: Section 1: Pledge Program Responsibility;
  3. proposed and ratified in September of 1997;
    1. Article II, Section 2.2;
  4. revised and ratified in September of 1997;
    1. Article III, Section 3.4 D.2: Attendance Hours;
  5. revised and ratified in March of 1998;
    1. Article 3.5: Associate requirements;
  6. revised and ratified in November of 1999;
    1. Section 4.14: Officer Hours
  7. up-dated order of by-laws; revised, and ratified necessary sections in April of 2000;
    1. Added Sections 3.8 and 3.9: Members in Bad Standing and Inactive Membership.
  8. revised and ratified in September/October of 2000;
    1. Sections 3.1, 6.3, 6.4, 7.4, 7.6, and 7.7. Removed Section 7.3
    2. Sections 3.5 and 3.7. Added Section 4.15.
  9. revised and ratified in January, 2002
    1. Section 3.5 f
  10. revised and ratified in February, 2002.
    1. Section 3.5 d
    2. Section 10.3
  11. revised and ratified in January, 2006.
    1. Section 4.15
    2. Section 7.8
    3. Section 8.1
  12. added and ratified in January, 2006.
    1. Section 3.5 d
  13. added and ratified in February 2006
    1. Section 3.5 G 1
    2. revised and ratified Section 8.2
  14. revised and ratified in March, 2006.
    1. Section 3.7
  15. Added Section 7.11
    1. Revised and ratified Oct 31, 2006
  16. revised and ratified February 6 2007
    1. Section 3.7
    2. Section 4.5
  17. added and ratified February 28 2007
    1. Section 8.3
  18. revised and ratified March 6 2007
    1. Section 3.8
    2. Section 3.9
  19. added and ratified March 6 2007
    1. Section 3.16
  20. revised and ratified April 10 2007
    1. Section 7.8
  21. added and ratified April 10 2007
    1. Section 7.7, C
  22. revised and ratified September 18 2007
    1. Section 3.7
  23. added and ratified November 6 2007
    1. section 3.5 C 1
  24. . added and ratified January 20 2009
    1. section 6.12 I
  25. removed and ratified February 3 2009
    1. Section 7.5
    2. Section 7.8
    3. Section 7.11
  26. added and ratified February 3 2009
    1. Section 6.1 H
    2. Section 6.1 I
  27. added and ratified February 24 2009
    1. Section 7.5 F
    2. Section 7.5 G
    3. Section 8.3 C
    4. Section 7.9
  28. revised and ratified March 31 2009
    1. Section 6.2
    2. Section 4.5 Appointed position hours
  29. added and ratified March 31 2009
    1. Section 6.3
  30. revised and ratified April 13 2009
    1. Section 3.5 D
  31. revised and ratified March 2011
    1. section 3.5 D1
  32. added and ratified October 2011
    1. section 4.15 C
  33. revised and ratified October 2011
    1. Section 8.1
    2. Section 6.8
    3. Section 3.5
  34. revised and ratified November 22, 2011
    1. section 10.3
    2. Section 10.2
    3. Section 8.1
    4. Section 3.5

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