Fire Safety Activities:

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<>Be a fireman!

            -         Students will have the opportunity to be a fireman for a day.

-         Students will discuss what it means to be a fireman.


-         As a class, take a field trip to the local fire station.

-         Encourage students to ask many questions about being a fireman.

-         Have students write 1-2 paragraphs about what they learned at the fire station. Rough draft should be handwritten, final draft typed.  Create a class book of their experiences.


Be Safe!


  <>Objectives: <> 

Students will understand and discuss what should happen if there is a fire in their home.

-         Students will have the opportunity to speak with a fireman guest speaker.



-         Students should cover when and how to talk to parents about fire safety. 

-         Students should be reminded of the Stop, Drop, and Roll exercises.

-         Remind students of what can cause a fire and why it is important not to plat with matches.

-         As the fireman to bring in tools that may be used in fighting a fire.

-         Ask the fireman what safety precautions he takes as a fireman. 

-         Be sure to remind students not to be afraid of firemen – they are there to help you.

-         For homework, have students to home and talk about fire safety with their parents or guardians.  Students should make an escape plan on a piece of poster board to share with their classmates on what they would do in case of a fire.  Students should also identify a meeting place they will have with their families.