1. Complete the table we started making in class. i. e. consider all n = 2 states of the hydrogen atom. In the presence of an external magnetic field B, list the total energies of each state in terms of E0 (13.6 eV), μB (the Bohr magneton), and B. Count up the number of different energies allowed.
2. What are the physical differences between a H atom in a 2s, ms=1/2 state and one in a 4d, ml = 1, ms = -1/2 state in the a) absence or b) presence of an external magnetic field?
Some hints for question 2: Since you are asked for physical differences, I would concentrate on the energy of the states (dominated by n) as well as the various aspects of angular momentum (and energy) implied by l, ml, and ms. I would only analyze the square of the wavefunction (probability) in terms of r because we haven't talked much about its shape in terms of θ and φ. Actually, you should realize that |ψ|2 is constant in φ. The behavior of |ψ|2 with θ is important in chemistry. If interested, there is a brief description of the θ behavior in the latter half of section 7.6. You can also try out the "atom in a box" software.