Quantum Mechanics

Thushara Perera

Office: C007C in CNS
email: tperera
Office Hrs: MWF 1-2 and T-R 11-12 But feel free to drop by at any time

Text: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by David J. Griffiths

Class room: E 105 in CNS
Class days and times: 9:25-10:40 on TR

Course Description

This course introduces students to the use of quantum mechanics in solving/understanding physical phenomena and systems. It goes beyond the descriptive introduction that physics majors often receive in their second year (in Modern Physics), and delves deeper into the mathematics and formalism underlying the subject. It is hoped that, in the process, students will gain further intuition in quantum mechanics.

Course organization and advice

-There will be three midterms and a comprehensive final. Some of the midterms may be take-home exams.

- Homework will be assigned once or twice a week.

- Turn in all take home exams and home work assignments on time (at the beginning of class on the due day). The late penalty is 20% per day.

- I expect you to adhere to the student honor code at all times, especially with take-home exams.

- Attempt to do home work assignments on your own. If you have difficulty, please come and see me

- Be prepared to answer questions and participate in class discussions and present your solutions to homework problems

Grade breakdown

- Homework: 30%
- Three midterm exams: 3 x 15% = 45%
- Final exam: 25%

Tentative Schedule