Thushara Perera
Office: C007C in CNS
email: tperera
Office Hrs: MWF 1-2 and T-R 11-12 But feel free to drop by at any time
Text: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by David J. Griffiths
Class room: E 105 in CNS
Class days and times: 9:25-10:40 on TR
- Homework will be assigned once or twice a week.
- Turn in all take home exams and home work assignments on time (at the beginning of class on the due day). The late penalty is 20% per day.
- I expect you to adhere to the student honor code at all times, especially with take-home exams.
- Attempt to do home work assignments on your own. If you have difficulty, please come and see me
- Be prepared to answer questions and participate in class discussions and present your solutions to homework problems