Thushara Perera
Office: C007C in CNS
email: tperera
Office Hrs: 11-12 on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday; 3-5 on Tuesday But feel free to drop by at any time
Text: Introduction to Cosmology by Barbara Ryden
Class room: E 105 in CNS
Class days and times: MWF 3:00 to 3:50 PM
Homework: 25%
2 out of 3 midterms: 25%
In-class presentations: 25%
Final Exam: 25%
Dates | Topics |
Week 1 | Cosmological principle, Comoving observers, Hubble Law, Observables and what they can reveal, Newtonian Cosmology, Relativity and the Principle of Equivalence |
Week 2 | Cosmological Time, A little History, Friedmann Equation, Geometry, Comoving coordinates, and the line element |
Week 3 | Geometry, Comoving coordinates, and the line element, Cosmological Redshift, Fluid Equation, Equation of state |
Week 4 | Simple Models of Single component universes, Curvature |
Week 5 | Multi-component universes, Critical Density, Fate of the Universe, |
Week 6 | Expressions for proper distance and age of universe, Light Cones and Horizons |
Week 7 | Cosmological Constant, Revision of prior conclusions to account for cosmological constant |
Week 8 | Measurement of cosmological parameters, Luminosity Distance, Angular Diameter Distance |
Week 9 | Measurement of cosmological parameters: Observations |
Week 10 | Dark Matter: evidence and searches |
Week 11 | Dark Matter: evidence and searches, Cosmic Microwave Background: Information content and observations |
Week 12 | Cosmic Microwave Background: Information content and observations |
Week 13 | Student Presentations |
Week 14 | Advanced Topics |