Famous Sigs


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Bloomington, IL 61702

Created by Andrew Freeman

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All content Copyright © 2005, by the Alpha Iota Chapter of The Sigma Chi Fraternity

A Letter from Brother Barrickman
     On May 18th 1883, Alpha Iota was ushered into existence under the mostfavorable auspices. Brother Merrick of Evanston, and Brother Heath of Champaign,officiated in establishing the Chapter. As visitors, Bros. Springer, of Evanston,Andrews, of Chicago, and Captain Fitzwilliam, of Bloomington, were present. Theinitiation of the Chapter was held at the Ashley House, one of the largest hotelsin Bloomington, and at the close of ceremonies the boys partook of a banquet whichwas no small affair, and will be remembered by all who were present. At the closeof the feast a short session was held and officers were elected. The boys thendeparted united in the brotherhood of Sigma Chi. Although Alpha Iota is young shehas a strong membership and feels able to cope with her adversaries. One name hasbeen added to her roll, that of J.H. McCoy, a man who stands well in his classesand in society. The committee on securing a hall have done nothing definite as yet,but will have a hall ready by the time school opens. Alpha Iota sends greetings toher sister chapters.Yours, in the Bonds,Chas M. Barrickman            


Date Last Revised: 08/07/2005