GNNV To Do List 5-19-99 ******** Note that this is my last contribution to the GNNV project as project leader; from this point forward, Jay Bryant will be taking the helm as the project leader for GNNV (though I may occasionally get roped into fixing some things...) - andy ******** * generalize GNNV to handle many nn structures -- largely done (in theory); needs to be tested. * generalize pixelGrid viewer -- this hasn't been done at all yet, but it should only entail passing the net config object to the pixelGrid object.... * add pixelGrid-esque functionality for hidden & output layers? (this will only be an issue for these layers if there are more nodes in a layer than we want to show at a time -- need to compare the net config info with the preferences info; if there are more nodes than we want to show, then we need to provide some sort of pixelgrid style thing) * test, test, test... * clean up output windows (for testing and training); make the outputting data more easily understandable. Do the summary thing for the binary mode * seek & destroy memory leaks :) * tutorial revision/enhancement * preferences dialog -- we may want to either give the user options of saving their current preferences to their .gnnvrc file (or should this automatically happen?) * make everything use same coordinate system (COLUMN MAJOR?...) * adjust test/train dialogs to accept additional user input (e.g. momentum, # of epochs, use verification image list) * filters on file selection dialogs & error trapping (what's that?) * multi-thread testing & training /w cool vcr-style buttons * document & clean code; standardize naming conventions * test * get input from other faculty (psych, math, bio) on what could be added/improved * test some more * thorough how-to step by step guide so that someone could sit down, having never seen the app before, and learn to navigate around with it and do (useful?) stuff * radio buttons in create new net window -- why are they so funky? * port to gtk 1.2 (should take little to no modifications) * port to Linux/Irix/??? Jay - what am I missing?