Please send notice of further corrections to: (Gabe Spalding)

Corrections to Understanding the Properties of Matter, by Michael de Podesta:

(a compilation of corrections from the author and from Gabe Spalding)

Advice to Students: Use a post-it note to bookmark page xv, for easy reference to the values of Fundamental Constants

p xiii -- The author's e-mail address needs updating: Michael de Podesta <>

p 3 -- Replace the URL following the first complete paragraph in the second column with:

The recommended website for data on the elements has changed its URL to:


p 4-- The author's website is now:

p6 -- In the tenth line of the section on fundamental particles, "quark" should be "quarks"

p 9 -- The old name for Niobium (Z = 41) is "Columbium" (not "Colimbium")

p 10 -- Element 104 is Rf (which stands for Rutherfordium)

p 11 -- The discussion at the top of the page would be enhanced by specific reference to Fig 6.2 (p. 126)

p 13 -- Replace the beginning of the second paragraph in Section 2.3.3 with "The electric dipole moment illustrated in ..."

p 21 -- The caption is misleading, by omitting the volume element, dr, contained in Equation 2.40

p 28 -- Eqn 2.67 is really Eqn 2.66

p 28 -- Table 2.4 has a "5" which should be a "6"

p 29 -- In the text below Eqn 2.67, the reference to Equation 2.69 should in fact be a reference to Equation 2.67

p 32 -- In the heading of Example 2.8, "collection" is mispelled.

p 47 -- In the fifth line in the second column, the citation should be to Fig. 3.9 (not Fig 3.8)

p 48 -- First paragraph: 1010 V should read millivolts, not Volts

p 49 -- Fourth line from end: should cite Eqn 4.49 (not Eqn 4.50)

p 62 -- Fig 4.8: the "v" in v=867 m/s should have an overbar to indicate that it is the mean speed.

p 64 -- Example 4.5: The value of the mean speed does NOT come from Eqn 4.37, but from the integral (from 0 to inf) of [vP(v)dv].

p 66 -- Fig. 4.12: The y-axis for the Maxwellian distribution is not shown.

p 67 -- Eqn 4.53: Vm refers to the "molar volume" (i.e., the volume occupied by one mole -- that's why the factor of z disappeared)

p 69 -- P6: Instead of citing Fig. 4.8, this should cite Eqn 4.26

p 71 -- The statement that the density of air at 20 °C rarely differs from 1.200 kg/m3 by more than 0.003 kg/m3 seems odd given that Example 4.1 cites the same source for a value of 1.196 kg/m3 at the same temperature.

p 73 -- Caption of Figure 5.2 reads"as" where it should read "at"

p 75 -- Section 5.3: Note that the plots, tables, and data quoted are all molar heat capacities.

p 78 -- Sample C: For N2, CP = 29.2 J K-1 mol-1 (not 20.8 J K-1 mol-1) and so Qtotal must be recalculated.

p 79 -- Why are some temperatures missing from Table 5.8?

p 81 -- Top of Page: There is some missing text. The page might begin, "The factor A*dx is equal to the volume increase dV and so ...."

p 82 -- Eqn 5.44 should be Eqn 5.43

p 84 -- Table 5.9: In section A, the header reads "... the expected value for a monatomic gas is 3.00". The header should specify that this is the expected value for p (e.g., "... the expected p-value for a monatomic gas is 3.00").

p 86 -- Table 5.10: Beneath the third set of energy levels it says "e.g., 2kBT << 1.5 DeltaE". The factor of two is an error (instead it might be more appropriate to have a factor of 1/2, since 1/2 kBT is associated with each accessible degree of freedom).

p 87 -- Eighth line of text: "Detailed calculations ... indicate [in the case of oxygen] that the two extra degrees of freedom already accessible at low temperature are due to molecular rotation."

p 90-91 -- The argument should clarify repeatedly that when it says "the number of molecules crossing a unit area per second" it usually means the number of molecules from one side crossing a unit area per second.

p 90 -- Example 5.8: The "X" in (deltaT)/(deltaX) should be a lower-case "x".

p 92 -- Eqn 5.58: The right-hand side is missing a minus sign.

p 96 -- Four lines up from the bottom of the first column: "shaded entries in table" should read either "shaded entries in Table 5.14" or simply "shaded entries in the table"

p 98 -- Eqn 5.67: The right-hand side is missing a minus sign.

p 101 -- Table 5.15: I believe that the temperature listed for N2 should be 273.1 K. (This would account for the agreement between theoretical predictions for CO and N2 and would also provide consistency with Table C on page 97 and Table 5.14).

p 102 -- Fourth Line: The reference to Eqn. 5.48 should be a reference to Eqn. 5.42; moreover, the reference to Eqn 5.82 should be to Eqn. 5.80.

p 103 -- End of first full paragraph: The number quoted as a typical permittivity for gases has one too many zeros, and should be "in the region of 1.0001".

p 105 -- Fig 5.24 (b) Caption: Instead of repeating the caption beneath (a), the text beneath (b) should read, "The center of symmetry of the electronic charge distribution is displaced from the center of the nucleus."

p 112 -- Eqn 5.119 should be listed as Eqn 5.114

p 118 -- Three lines above Eqn 5.121: the citation reads (Bleaney & Bleaney, see Section 1.4.1). This is confusing; the theory of radiation from an oscillating dipole does not appear in an introductory section of Bleaney & Bleaney (in the third edition, it appears in Section 8.9 of Vol. 1). Rather, Section 1.4.1 refers to the fact that you'll find a more complete reference presented for Bleaney & Bleaney's text in Section 1.4.1 of de Podesta's Understanding the Properties of Matter.

p 119 -- Fig 5.36: Note that these slits are for collimation only.

p 120 -- P1: parts (g), (h), and (i) are incorrectly listed as parts (h), (i), and (h).

p 121 -- P2: should cite Table 7.2

p 122 -- P15: "estimates" is mispelled

p 123 -- P29: The "delta t" should be a "delta P" (i.e., the amplitude of the pressure oscillations)

p 125 -- The author's website is now:

p 126 -- Fourth line of text: there is excess space between "that" and "moved"

p 128 -- Two lines below Eqn 6.6, the words "attractive" and "repulsive" should be reversed

p 129 -- Note that Eqn 6.10 is only valid for crystals with a single atom "basis" (because each atom is assumed to have the same environment)

p 130 -- Second line of text: "the quantity in square brackets" should say "the quantity in curly brackets"

p 131 -- Sixth line below Eqn 6.22: we can substitute the value for the lattice constant from Equation 6.22 into Equation 6.17 (not 6.12).

p 132 -- Fifth line of second paragraph: the ratio of importance should contain the SQUARE of A6, not merely A6

p 133 -- Table 6.2 is a bit confusing: Note that the "x 10-10 m" applies to sigma and to the predicted value of the lattice constant.

p 136 -- Example 6.3: "The experimentally determined density of NaCl is..." (this should be followed by the Greek letter "rho" rather than by r).

p 137 -- Fourth line of text above the Summary: "evaluated in Example 6.3" should be changed to "evaluated following Example 6.3"

p 138 -- Fig 6.12: Instead of saying "Electron 3", I'd say "Remnant Charge"

p 141 -- Table 6.3 has a "5" where it should have a "6". Also, it should have included the next set of levels.

p 148 -- Equation 6.86: The mass of the electron is 9.1 x 10-31 kg (and not 0.1 x 10-31 as printed here).

p 149 -- Equation 6.96 contains an extra factor of 3. Equation 6.97 is therefore in error; however, the stated conclusion remains correct: the result differs by only about 30% from the cohesive energy per electron of the eight-electron metal considered earlier

p 152 -- C1: Explain your observation. What do you think you'd call that "collapse" from the initial square lattice into the hexagonal structure?

p 154 -- Tons of Errors! First, in the text above the table, omit " x 103 " from the units.

p 155 -- In Example 7.1, the density of iron should be listed as 7873 kg/m3 (two of these digits had been transposed).

p 156 -- Figure 7.2 The straight line on the graph was drawn in error. The correct line should be calculated from the atomic weights A corresponding to the values of Z. However, both lines look very similar

p 158 -- Example 7.3: First sentence of second paragraph should read, "The crystal structure of diamond IS deduced from X-ray scattering."

p 165 --Fig 7.8 could use labels on parts (b) and (c) to aid the reader in identifying part (b) as "side-to-side motion" and part (c) as "up-and-down motion"

p 166 -- Table 7.6 should list the transverse speed of sound for Lead as 700 m/s, and not 7000 m/s

p 168 -- Example 7.7: The pulse width calculated at the end is off by 1 microsecond, since the original pulse width was ignored

p 170 -- The line after Eq. 7.16: alpha should be sigma

p 171 -- Third line of text: "ratio" should be replaced by "the square root of the ratio"

p 172 -- The first line of section on Heat Capacity states: "Heat capacity is a measure of the RATE at which the temperature of a substance rises for a given input of heat energy." This may prove confusing, given that heat capacity is not defined in terms of a rate (while thermal conductivity is). In fact, the thermal time constant of a sample, much like the RC time constant found in electronics, depends upon BOTH the thermal conductance and the heat capacity.

p 173 -- Table 7.7 has a formula in the caption. Note that the table should have listed A as the molar mass in kg/mol (and not g/mol). When using the values provided (which are in g/mol) one must multiply the right-hand side of the formula in the caption by 1000.

p 179 -- The Equation following Eqn 7.36 should be called Eqn 7.37

p 185 -- Eqn 7.52: The "number of electrons" cited here is ONLY the number of electrons within kBT of the Fermi Energy

p 187 -- Fig 7.31: The units on the y-axis need to be changed since this plots C/T, not C.

p 192 -- Table 7.11: By reducing the vapor pressure of liquid Helium (i.e., by pumping on it with a mechanica pump) we can reduce the base temperature of the cryostat in my lab to around 1.5 K. So it is of some significance that the Tc of Aluminum is around 1.2 K (and not around 1.75 K as indicated in the table). Even more significantly, the transition temperature of tin is nowhere near 30 K!! (It's closer to 3.7 K).

p 197 -- Last sentence before Section 7.5.4: "cattered" should be "scattered"

p 211 -- Example 7.23: The first equation is correct, but when he rearranges it to solve for dT/dx his result is inverted. This error persists down to the end of the example. Thus, instead of finding a 5 microKelvin temperature difference, he should have found a 53 milliKelvin gradient in the temperature.

p 213 -- Eqn 7.94 and Eqn 7.95: Eph should have remained Eth. This is also true in point (c) among the conclusions following these equations. (It is not until the section on Insulators that Eth should be replaced by Eph.)

p 214 -- Fifth line from end of page: lambdamfp should be thetaD.

p 215 -- Third line before the section on Inhomogeneous materials: lambdamfp should be thetaD.

p 229 -- Example 7.28: to find the number of moles per unit volume of an element,

p 234 -- Fifth line: replace r with rho in the equation with three terms on the right hand side.

p 242 -- P10 should have an alpha instead of an "a"

p 243 -- P42: should cite Example 7.17 instead of 7.16

p 245 -- First line of second column: there is no need for the hyphen in "appropriate"

p 247 -- First sentence in Section 8.2 should be rephrased. It would be better to reverse the current phrasing and say something like, "concentrate on the positions of neighboring atoms relative to some typical molecule."

p 248 -- Final complete sentence: a spherical shell has a VOLUME, not an area.

p 249-250 -- Given that "radial distribution function" and "radial density function" each have the same three-letter acronym, all use of "RDF" should be replaced with rho(r).

p 253 -- Fig 8.14: The three figures should be labeled as A, B, and C.

p 254 -- In Figs 8.15b & 8.16, the labels of molecules A, B, C are too dark.

p 256 -- Needs to Expand the section on Non-Newtonian Fluids Polymers and entanglement need more treatment

p 265 -- Table 9.4: There are various typographical errors in font size, superscripting, and inconsistent spacings.

p 271 -- Eqn 9.16 is Force per unit area, not just Force;

p 273 -- In Fig 9.14, Fit Ethanol with a straight line, not connect-the-dots?

p 275-- Table 9.8 should have a caption which reads "... so the surface energy of water at 20 °C is 72.75 x 10-3 N/m = 72.75 mN/m." Also, in the column heading for gamma, the units should be mN/m and not 10-3 mN/m.

p 276 -- Last line of text above Eqn 9.22: the surface energy g should be gamma (the surface tension)

p 277 -- Eqn 9.23: the "equality" should be an "approximate equality"

p 281 -- 2nd Column, 2nd Paragraph, Line 6: The reference to Figure 9.26 should actually be to Figure 9.24.

p 282 -- Second Line of Text: The reference to Figs 9.27 - 9.29 should be to Figs 9.25 - 9.27.

p 283 -- Fig. 9.26: While the caption correctly identifies this as date "around room temperature", the graph itself indicates (incorrectly) that the temperature scale is in Kelvin, rather than in Celsius.

p 284 -- Second Column, Seventh line of text: The reference to Section 7.3 should be to 7.4.

p 285 -- Top of second column: Just examine the curve for mercury in Fig 9.27 for yourself.

p 289 -- First line of second column: electrical conductivity should be "sigma" and not "delta"

p 290 -- Fig. 9.32: There is a factor of 10-8 missing from the units of Resistivity.

p 291 --Example 9.3: The units of the first equation should be atoms per m3.

p 292 -- Last line of first paragraph: The closing parenthesis has inadvertently been subscripted, and the period omitted.

p 293 -- Eqn 9.42: The exponent should be 1/2, not 2/3.

p 295 -- The wavelength of the sodium line should be listed (589 nm).

p 296-297 -- References to Table 5.17 should be references to Table 5.18 (There are four such references)

p 296 -- Third line of text: The last word in the sentence should be "gas", not "liquid"

p 297 -- Fifth line from end of section: Reference to Eq. 9.50 should be to Eq. 9.49

p 298 -- P12 should contain a factor of Pi in the formula for the viscous force

p 299 -- P25 should note that the theoretical value for this ratio is 2.45 x 10-8 Watt-Ohm/K2. This is often called the "Lorentz Number".

p 302 -- Eq. 10.3 assumes negligible expansion (as in Example 10.2).

p 305 -- Table 10.2: In the second column, both the solid and the gas should have CV rather than CP. Of course, this only makes a difference for the gas.

p 307 -- The text refers to Table 10.30, when it should cite Table 10.3

p 308 -- Eqn 10.9: The term "T dP" should be "V dP"

p 310 -- Example 10.4: Each QM should be "Delta QM" in order to agree with the text

p 311 -- Example 10.5: Each QM should be "Delta QB", since this is a calculation associated with Boiling and not Melting

p313 -- Fig. 10.7: The dashed line for the surface energy rises too quickly in comparison to the fall of the dashed line representing the volume energy

p 316 -- Example 10.6: The reference before the final equation should be to Equation 10.42, not 10.41.

p 317 -- Example 10.7: The reference before the equation should be to Equation 10.42, not to 11.41.

p 324 -- P2: should read "where gamma =10-4 J K-2 mol-1 and alpha = 10-5 J K-4 mol-1"

p 343 -- Eqn 11.16 should refer to Delta E-sub "e", not Delta E-sub "rho"

p 358 -- P14 There is supposedly a typo in the Table for Acetone <