Between the innocence of girlhood and leading to the wisdom of maturity we find that amazing young woman known as an Alpha Gam. An Alpha Gam may be short or tall, big or small, blonde, brunette or redhead, with a variety of talents, attributes and personality traits; yet all are joined together in the meaning of sisterhood. Alpha Gams are found in tennis shoes and loafers, bathing suits and formals, in campus offices and community service, wearing an apron or a crown, behind a trophy, in a kitchen, but always with a "special charm"
about her. She's a little bit of a devil, a large chunk of angel, she's a scholar and a party girl, a heartbreaker and a true love, a class clown, a fraternity sweetheart and a student body president; she's a lady, but most of all, she's an Alpha Gam. You can count on her to bake a dozen cookies or feed a hundred people, run a carwash or preside over panhellenic. She can soothe a crying baby, yet knock an All-American fullback off his feet. She can study harder, play longer, sleep less, think deeper, yet always keep that "special way" about her. The crowds admire her, little girls idolize her, classmates respect her, adults revere her, friends trust her and men love her. She can take criticism with understanding, praise with humility, work with joy, defeat on a whim, and disappointment with a smile. She's loyal, sincere, truthful and kind, a follower and a leader. No one but an Alpha Gam can wear a pearl pin so proudly nor so truly know the meaning of a buff or crimson rose. An Alpha Gam has the world and it's treasures, but she also has a special corner she shares with her sisters. She knows that sisterhood is laughing and crying together, and it is far more than words can say. She's everything and a little bit more -- she's yours and she's mine --she's an Alpha Gam Girl. |