To use this pictorial
key, compare the characteristics of your animal to
those in the picture. A description of
characteristics is provided below each image.
Selecting the highlighted words will link you to
the glossary. Select the image that best matches
your animal. This will take you to the next page in
the key until you reach the genus identification
for your specimen. Go to the Taxonomy
page for more information about classification of

Click here
to link to more detailed illustrations of
Click on image
to continue with the key.
Tardigrades are microscopic
(0.1-1 mm in length) invertebrates that have 4
pairs of legs and look superficially
Images appearing in this key were, in part,
redrawn from various sources including Pulgia 1959, Schuster
et al.1980, Nelson and Higgins 1990, and Pilato and
Binda 1991.